WeBWorK Problems

Contingent grading

Contingent grading

by Paul Seeburger -
Number of replies: 2

Is there an easy way to allow two separate series of related correct answers for a series of answer blanks?  That is, depending on the student’s first choice, giving full credit for the corresponding correct answers for the next two or three answer blanks?

I’m working with a Bernoulli DE that happens to have two correct substitutions that work, the Bernoulli standard one, and another “nicer”one.


2yy’ + 3 = y^2 + 3x

My student’s nicer approach uses, u = y^2 + 3x.

The standard Bernoulli substitution expected by the problem is: u = y^2.

But then there are two more answer blanks asking for u’ and for the DE after substituting everything in.

I’m guessing a custom grader is probably the only way to do this, but I wanted to check with you all first.



In reply to Paul Seeburger

Re: Contingent grading

by Paul Pearson -
Hi Paul,

From http://webwork.maa.org/wiki/WeightedGrader

  • The weighted grader with the credit answer option allows you to specify one answer blank to be the final answer which, if answered correctly, will provide full credit for all other answer blanks in the problem.

Also, you may want to try using parserOneOf.pl, which will mark one of several correct answers (for one answer box) correct via 

@answers = (Real(1), Real(2));

ANS( OneOf(@answers)->cmp );

The functionality you desire could also be implemented for multiple answer blanks using parserMultiAnswer.pl.

Best regards,

Paul Pearson
In reply to Paul Pearson

Re: Contingent grading

by Paul Seeburger -

Yes, I think parserMultiAnswer.pl would work!  I will give it a try.

I don't desire to give full credit for the final answer without getting the steps correct though, as this would defeat the whole purpose of doing these problems online (in my opinion).  In my experience, this would most likely happen when a student gets the answer from a tool like Wolfram Alpha.
