I have a Faculty member that is trying select multiple sets to export the webwork scores into excel for scoring averages. Does the scoring tool allow the selection of multiple items for export? Is there anyway to fix the scoring tools so it will allow the selection of multiple scores? I have had him try to hold down the shift key, the ctrl key and just click multiple items and we are not able to select multiple sets to export.
Is this a supported feature in WebWorks 2.9?
Thanks for your assistance,
Joe Dutro
Casper College
Odd. CTRL-click works just fine for me on Windows 7. NOT Shift+CTRL.
When I asked him about the CTRL click he said it wasn't working. I will get back with him and have him try again. I know he has done the Shift+click and just click.
I will keep you posted.
I will keep you posted.