PREP 2015 Question Authoring - Archived

New version button/Avoiding double negatives

New version button/Avoiding double negatives

by Regina Souza -
Number of replies: 2
1) Request for a "new version" button
I have used some problems which, after the student writes the correct answer, s/he is able to request a "new version" of the problem. Could you make this available to our course so it would be easy to check different seeds of a problem we design?

2) How does one avoid solutions as in 2(x-(-3)) ?
Is there any difference in how we implement this in the solution field { }
versus when we are writing a solution for the problem?
In reply to Regina Souza

Re: New version button/Avoiding double negatives

by Davide Cervone -
I know that there is a relatively new features to allow the "new version" button, but I don't know the details. I think it is something that can be changed in the course configuration, but haven't looked.

As for 2, we will talk more about that on Monday. For now, you can do

$f = Formula("2(x-$a)")->reduce;

The formula is [_____________]{$f}.
You can use the value of $f in the solution section as well as for the correct answer.

Hope that is what you are after.

In reply to Regina Souza

Re: New version button/Avoiding double negatives

by Davide Cervone -
PS, if you are viewing the problem in the Library Browser, there is a little icon that looks like crossing arrows. That will re-randomize the problem, so that is one way to get several versions of the problem. Also, the PG editor that you get from the "Edit2" button (not the File Manager editor) has a place where you can set the random seed value and view the problem again. That is not quite so easy, but does let you do it from the editor, which is nice.