I'm seeing the following odd behavior when viewing a gateway/quiz assignment with an ans_array(). The problem code, stripped down, is the following.
loadMacros( "PGstandard.pl", "MathObjects.pl" );
$x1 = ColumnVector( 1, 2 );
\(\vec x = \) \{ $x1->ans_array() \}
ANS( $x1->cmp() );
In Firefox, this displays as I expect (first image in attached):
\vec x = [ ] [ ]
while in Safari and Chrome, it breaks after each equation (second image):
\vec x = [ ] [ ]
If I change the answer blank call to ans_rule(), this behavior is not seen (all formatting is as I expect); if I view the same problem in a regular homework set, it is not seen either. All of this behavior is the same in PG and PGML, and the same whether the vector is a column vector or not.
My next step is to start tracking back through the HTML generated by the different content generators. It's odd to me that there is a difference, however, in that the problem HTML is generated in either case through PG and is therefore the same. So it's something to do with the styling or javascript in the gateway page that isn't there in the problem page (or vice versa, of course).
Any insight on this is very welcome.