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Which source code file must modify to make exams appear ABOVE homeworks in the list?

Which source code file must modify to make exams appear ABOVE homeworks in the list?

by Christian Seberino -
Number of replies: 1
What source code file must be tweaked to make the exams appear ABOVE
the homeworks in the list students see after logging into a class?

This is important when you have 50+ homeworks and the exams are way at the bottom such that they can be missed.

(I asked a related question 6 mos ago but didn't make it clear I was willing to try to modify source code.)


In reply to Christian Seberino

Re: Which source code file must modify to make exams appear ABOVE homeworks in the list?

by Gavin LaRose -
Hi Christian,

It's in lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/ProblemSets.pm, lines 248--259. If you reverse @nonGWsets and @gwSets in line 259, so that it reads
@sets = (@gwSets, @nonGWsets);
instead of
@sets = (@nonGWsets, @gwSets);

That should resolve the issue.
