I'm an instructor at UMass Amherst, where we use webwork for our undergrad linear algebra and differential equations courses (among others). We often have huge classes with multiple sections and instructors. The instructors are busy and not all of them are proficient with technology, so we'd really like to have one capable person (the webwork admin) handle the work of creating a course for each section, uploading the rosters, and importing homework sets. That way we wouldn't have to teach every instructor how to do all of those things; all they would need to do is set the due dates for the homework assignments. However, it's hard to set things up this way with the currently available webwork tools. You have to log in to each course and do it manually.
I know there are some scripts out there like WWManage which can do some of these things. I wrote some scripts based on WWManage tailored to our needs at UMass. But all these are kind of messy and hacked-together and they usually require a lot of tinkering in order to function. I needed to modify some of the webwork perl modules slightly in order to get these scripts to work.
It would be really helpful for large universities like UMass if there were some kind of officially-supported way for an admin to make changes to multiple courses at once, like uploading rosters and importing a standard collection of homework sets. This could take the form of a set of command-line tools, or some additional options in the 'course administration' web page. Or even if the webwork/database API could be just be cleaned up a little to be simpler and more foolproof, that would help a lot.
What do you think? I'm not an expert on the webwork codebase or anything, but if this seems like a useful project, I'd be glad to help out as a perl programmer.