We (two instructors at HSU) have just completed our first semester using WeBWoRK with our first semester calculus courses. The feedback from the students was mostly positive, but the one criticism that was repeated from our students was that webwork (in its current form) does not have an option for elaborating on the solving procedure required for a given problem when a student gets "stuck".
As an instructor I can't help but prompt the students to read their notes as virtually every problem assigned to the homework sets has a parallel problem that was covered in class. Still many students wanted at least one of the following options for the tougher problem sets in webwork:
1.) A link to a short video that shows a lecture on the solving procedure of a very similar problem.
2.) an option to "try another with solution" where the solution with step by step instructions are shown for a similar problem. Then after digesting this they try a similar version of the problem with the wording and the coefficients altered.
First, I know that the instructions for uploading video links was shown in the Problem authoring course, and I have only to review the lecture notes and video on this to make this work.
But it is the second option that I am most interested in.
Given that we have written extensive algorithmic solutions for each of the 337 problems assigned for our calculus students, is there a way that we can allow students to see just one of these solutions for a specific seed value in a link, but then require the student to solve the problem for a different seed value in their homework. The solution link would still have to show the student's solution for the seed value that they attempted after the homework assignment was closed.
Thanks, Tim