\{ htmlLink( "http://...", "description here" ) \}
format that I saw on the wiki, but it did not work. Looking up for more info related to this stuff and PGML, I only found links on how to embed a powerpoint or a video, but not a way to just post a link.
Here is my code, which does not work (i.e., it produces no link, but simply lists the website):
$f = Formula("(2x+1)/(3x-2)");
$a = random(2,5,1);
$b = random(2,4,1);
$c = random(2,3,1);
$g = Formula("(($a*x+$b)**2)**3");
$h = Formula("(x+3)/((2x+1)**$c)");
$k = Formula("sqrt(x^2+3)");
To enter some expressions, you will need to use parenthesis, just like in most calculators.
WeBWorK has a "Preview My Answer" feature that allows you to preview what your expression looks like before you submit your answer. This can be useful to make sure that you have entered the expression correctly.
For example, the fraction [`` [$f] ``] should be typed with parenthesis as (2x+1)/(3x-2).
If you just typed 2x+1/3x-2, it would actually be interpreted it as [`` 2x+\frac1{3x}-2 ``].
Please read the following page to learn some more "tricks", and how to enter certain functions in WeBWork:
\{ htmlLink( "http://webwork.maa.org/wiki/Available_Functions", "http://webwork.maa.org/wiki/Available_Functions" ) \}.
Try typing the following expressions correctly:
a. [`` [$f] = ``] [____________]{$f}
a. [`` [$g] = ``] [____________]{$g}
a. [`` [$h] = ``] [____________]{$h}
a. [`` [$k] = ``] [____________]{$k}
Thank you for the help!