
OPL-update Issue

Re: OPL-update Issue

by James Bodine -
Number of replies: 0
I suspected that too but was unsure about changing column sizes.

I changed the author column in the textbook table to 100 and running the OPL-update process it proceeded past that error.  Then I had to change the keyword column in the keyword table to 150 from 65.  Runing it again it gave me the error: 8900DBD::mysql::db do failed: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'edition' at row 1 at ./OPL-update line 736, <IN> line 642539.

Searching through the problems I ended up have to make the following changes:

Replace EditionText1(' '), EditionText1('linear algebra','vector space','subpage'),EditionText1('Version 3.0'), EditionText1('December 9, 2010') and EditionText1('?') with EditionText1('') and running it one last time it succeeded.

It appears there is a lot of inconsistencies in the problem files.

Thanks for your help!
