I made up a compound problem in which I created
graphs using graphmacros in several of the parts.
I made it up a part at a time and the appropriate
graphs appeared as I was making up the problem.
When I tried to run it, the graph from the first
part appeared again in the second part (in place
of the appropriate part. Is there something I should have done to clear things so that the appropriate graph would appear.
Ken Appel
The compoundProblem.pl file was not keeping track of the necessary state information for on-the-fly graphics. I have modified it so that it will handle the graphics properly now. You should update your copy of compoundProblem.pl from the CVS repository (the Union library in the examples/compoundProblem directory).
I see that Mike has added compoundProblem.pl to the main pg/macros directory, so I've updated it there as well, and you can just use CVS to update that copy instead. That is probably easier to do that get the new Union copy.