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Anyone else seeing | symbol appear AFTER math stuff? How remove?

Anyone else seeing | symbol appear AFTER math stuff? How remove?

by Christian Seberino -
Number of replies: 3
Anyone else seeing | symbol appear AFTER math stuff?

I didn't use to have this problem but it seems like | started appearing after math stuff.  (I use PGML if that matters.)

I've attached a screenshot of the problem.  Here's the
source for the problem....

$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;

Context("Numeric") ; Context()->flags->set(tolerance => 0.01);

Calculate [`\int_{-3}^{3} \sqrt{9 - x^2} dx`].

Hint: What is the shape of the corresponding area?



Attachment aaa.png
In reply to Christian Seberino

Re: Anyone else seeing | symbol appear AFTER math stuff? How remove?

by Michael Shulman -
Apparently this is a bug in MathJax that was recently fixed.
In reply to Michael Shulman

Re: Anyone else seeing | symbol appear AFTER math stuff? How remove?

by Alex Jordan -
For the record, I think it was technically a bug in some browsers, and MathJax has adapted to work around the bug.
In reply to Alex Jordan

Re: Anyone else seeing | symbol appear AFTER math stuff? How remove?

by Joel Trussell -
I had the same thing - MathJax and browser was the problem - updating the MathJax made it go away