WeBWorK Problems

functions in inequality answers

functions in inequality answers

by Joel Trussell -
Number of replies: 0
I'm writing a problem on Laplace transforms and have asked the student to give the domain of convergence for a problem. the answer should be Re(s)>0
where I have declared s as a complex value
$answerf = Inequality("Re(s)>0");

I get the error
Function 'Re' is not allowed in this context

The entire code is given below




# Setup1

t=>"Real", dt =>"Real"
step => {
class => 'Parser::Legacy::Numeric',
perl => 'Parser::Legacy::Numeric::do_step'
parserFunction("u(t)" => "step(t)");

$a = random(1,9,1);

$ft = Formula("$a");

$answera = Compute("$ft * e^{-s*t} * dt");
$answerb = Compute("0");
$answerc = Compute("INFINITY");
$answerd = Compute("$a/(-s) * e^{-s*t}");
$answere = Compute("$a/s");

$reals= Re(Compute($a));

# Main text1

The Laplace transform of the function \(f(t)\) is defined by the integral
F(s) = \int_0^\infty f(t) e^{-st}dt

where \(s = \alpha + j\omega\) is a complex number. All of our functions will be defined only on the non-negative domain, \([0,\infty]\). We will usually emphasize this by including the step function, as \(f(t) = cos(2\pi t) u(t)\). In any case, the Laplace integral is always defined with a lower bound great than or equal to zero.
Note that the Laplace transform, \( F(s)\), is a function of \(s\). We must make sure that the function is well-defined so the function actually exists. Let's take a look at an example to show how this works.
Consider the function \(f(t) = u(t)\), the unit step function. The transform is defined by
F(s) = \int_0^\infty f(t) e^{-st}dt = \int_0^\infty e^{-st}dt

since \( u(t)=1\), for all \(t \geq 0\). This is an easy integral to compute, as
F(s) = \frac{ e^{-st}}{-s}|_0^\infty

This may seem straightforward, but we need to check to see if the function is defined at the limits of the integral. At the lower limit, it is easy
\frac{ e^{-st}}{-s}|_0 = \frac{ e^{-s0}}{-s} = \frac{e^{-s0}}{-s} = \frac{-1}{s}

but at the upper limit the funciton is not so clear. We have to take the limit as \(t \longrightarrow \infty\). This limit depends on the value of \(s = \alpha + j\omega\). We know from Euler's formula that
e^{-st} = e^{(\alpha + j\omega)t} = e^{\alpha t }e^{ j\omega t}.

We know that the magnitude of \(e^{ j\omega t}. = 1\), so we are concerned only with the behavior of the limit of the real part, \( \lim_{t\rightarrow \intfy} e^{\alpha t } \)
$BR But we know this limit exists only if \(\alpha > 0\) and the limit is zero. This can also be stated as \(Re(s) > 0\), or the real part of \(s\) is greater than zero.
$BR So the evaluation of integral yields
F(s) = \frac{ e^{-st}}{-s}|_0^\infty = \frac{1}{s}

With this computation complete, let's look at a minor modification.

\{ BeginList('OL', type=>'a') \}

$ITEM Set up an integral for finding the Laplace transform of \( f(t) = $ft u(t)\).
\( \displaystyle F(s) = {\mathcal L}\left\lbrace f(t) \right\rbrace = \int_A^B \)
\{ ans_rule(20) \}
\{ AnswerFormatHelp("formulas") \}
where \( A = \) \{ ans_rule(5) \} and \( B = \) \{ ans_rule(5) \}.

$ITEM Find the antiderivative and limits corresponding to the previous part.
\{ ans_rule(20) \}\( {\Huge |}_A^B \)

$ITEM Evaluate appropriate limits to compute the Laplace transform of \( f(t) \):
\( F(s) = {\mathcal L}\left\lbrace f(t) \right\rbrace = \)
\{ ans_rule(20) \}


# Answer evaluation1

$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;

ANS( $answera->cmp()
Formula("$ft * e^(-s*t)") => "Don't forget the differential dt"
ANS( $answerb->cmp() );
ANS( $answerc->cmp() );
ANS( $answerd->cmp(upToConstant=>1) );
ANS( $answere->cmp() );

# Setup2

$answerf = Inequality("Re(s)>0");

# Main text2


$ITEM Where does the Laplace transform you found exist? In other words, what is the domain of \( F(s) \)?
\{ ans_rule(20) \}
\{ AnswerFormatHelp("inequalities") \}

\{ EndList('OL') \}

# Answer evaluation2

ANS( $answerf->cmp() );