WeBWorK Problems

Error statements generated for 3 of 9 random listed values through a popup error.

Error statements generated for 3 of 9 random listed values through a popup error.

by tim Payer -
Number of replies: 6
Greetings all,

I am using a list_random for 9 possible LOS values in a statistics homework problem. For some reason when either of these 3 LOS values: ($a1 = 0.10, $a1 = 0.00005, and $a1 = 0.000005) are selected they create error statements for two popups:

1. ERROR caught by Translator while processing problem file:tmpEdit/Payer/Stat_109/HW_14B/WNS_bats2/WNS_bats2.pg.tsp1.tmp
ERRORS from evaluating PG file: 
The correct choice must be one of the PopUp menu items at line 2 of (eval 8287) Died within Value::Error called at line 136 of [PG]/macros/parserPopUp.pl from within parser::PopUp::new called at line 2 of (eval 8287) from within main::PopUp called at line 165 of (eval 8041)
Yet I have traced through these and do not see any errors and the other 6 of 9 LOS values run through without a problem.

Any insight is greatly appreciated...

Thank you, Tim

##  Hypothesis test on one proportion.

##KEYWORDS('confidence interval', 'confidence interpretation')

## DBsubject('Statisitics')
## DBchapter('Hypothesis test')
## DBsection('Real Numbers')
## Date('11/7/2016')
## Author('Tim Payer')
# DESCRIPTION  Hypothesis test on one proportion.
# Use correct notation.
# WeBWorK problem written by TimPayer <tsp1@humboldt.edu>

## DBsubject(Probability)
## DBchapter(Random variables)
## DBsection(Expectation)
## Institution(Humboldt State University)
## Author(Tim Payer)
## KEYWORDS(probability, translate, notation)



#Text(beginproblem());   #uncomment

$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;

  tolerance => 0.01,
  tolType => "absolute",

### Prob 14B.2) ########
$po = 0.8;
$n = random(65, 110,1);
$dd = random(0.60, 0.80, 0.01) ;
$y1 = floor($n*$dd);
$y = Compute("$y1");
$phat1 =$y/$n;
$phat = sprintf("%0.4f",$phat1);
#$phat1 =Compute("$phat2");
$fat ="\frac{$y}{$n}";
$pnp = Compute("$po*$n*(1-$po)");

$aa = Compute("0.80");

### One-tailed Scenarios:####
$r = list_random(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);  ## permits random selections of a specified range.
$a1 = list_random(0.10, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.00005, 0.000005);

## The following commented out $a1 values cause errors and I can not
## trace their cause.
#$a1 = 0.10;
#$a1 = 0.00005;
#$a1 = 0.000005;

%ap1=( 0.10=>"10%", 0.05=>"5%", 0.025=>"2.5%", 0.01=>"1%", 0.005=> "0.5%", 0.001=> "0.1%", 0.0005=>"0.05%", 0.00005=>"0.005%", 0.000005=>"0.0005%");
%z1=( 0.10=>"1.282", 0.05=>"1.645", 0.025=>"1.960", 0.01=>"2.326", 0.005=> "2.576", 0.001=> "3.090", 0.0005=>"3.291", 0.00005=>"3.891", 0.000005=>"4.491");

## The following lines link the random list with the associated values
## of the next lists: #####
$ap1 = $ap1{$a1};

$zsam =Compute("($phat1-$po)/sqrt($po*(1-$po)/$n)");
$zh =Compute("-1*$zsam");

#$z1 = "3.090";

if($zh > $z1){
  $in = "<";
  $rj = "reject";
  $dc = "decrease";
} else {
  $in = ">";
  $rj = "do not reject";
  $dc = "increase";

## 1-tailed p-value brackets  #####
if($zh < 1.282){
$pb1 = "(p > 0.10)";
 } elsif((1.282 < $zh) and ($zh < 1.645) ) {
   $pb1 = "(0.05 < p < 0.10)";
 } elsif((1.645 < $zh) and ($zh < 1.960 )) {
   $pb1 = "(0.025 < p < 0.05)";
 } elsif((1.960 < $zh) and ($zh < 2.326) ) {
   $pb1 = "(0.01 < p < 0.025)";
 } elsif((2.326 < $zh) and ($zh < 2.576 )) {
   $pb1 = "(0.005 < p < 0.01)";
 } elsif((2.576 < $zh) and ($zh < 3.090 )) {
   $pb1 = "(0.001 < p < 0.005)";
 } elsif((3.090 < $zh) and ($zh < 3.291 )) {
   $pb1 = "(0.0005 < p < 0.001)";
 } elsif((3.291 < $zh) and ($zh < 3.891 )) {
   $pb1 = "(0.00005 < p < 0.0005)";
 } elsif((3.891 < $zh) and ($zh < 4.491 )) {
   $pb1 = "(0.000005 < p < 0.00005)";
} else {
   $pb1 = "(p < 0.000005)";

#$alfa = list_random('10%', '5%', '1%', '0.5%', '0.01%', '0.005%', '0.001%');

$popup0 = PopUp(
["Choose:",  'has', 'does not have' ], 'has');

$popup1 = PopUp(
["?",  '=', 'not =', ' < ', ' >', '< or =', '> or =' ], '> or =');

$popup13 = PopUp(
["Choose:",  'mu', 'eta', 'p', 'sigma', 'x-bar' ,'x-tilde', 'p-hat', 'sd' ], 'mu');

$popup2 = PopUp(
["Choose:",  'mean', 'median', 'proportion', 'variance', 'standard deviation','percentage'], 'proportion');

$popup3 = PopUp(
["Choose:",  'survive.', 'die.', 'survive will exceed 80%.', 'die will exceed 80%.',  'survive will be about 80%.', 'die will be about 80%.',  'survive will be less than 80%.', 'die will be less than 80%.', 'survive will exceed '.$phat.'.', 'die will exceed '.$phat.'.', 'survive will be about '.$phat.'.', 'die will be about '.$phat.'.', 'survive will be less than '.$phat.'.', 'die will be less than '.$phat.'.'], 'die.');

$popup4 = PopUp(
["Choose:",  'mu', 'eta', 'p', 'sigma', 'x-bar' ,'x-tilde', 'p-hat', 'sd' ], 'p');

$popup5 = PopUp(
["Choose:",  '=', 'not =', '< ', '>', '< or =', '> or =' ], '=');

$popup6 = PopUp(
["Choose:",  ' 0', ' '.$phat.'', '80%', ' 0.80'], ' 0.80');

$popup7 = PopUp(
["Choose:",  'mu', 'eta', 'p', 'sigma', 'x-bar' ,'x-tilde', 'p-hat', 'sd' ], 'p');

$popup8 = PopUp(
["Choose:",  '=', 'not =', '<', '>', '< or =', '> or =' ], '<');

$popup9 = PopUp(
["Choose:",  ' 0', ' '.$phat.'', '80%', ' 0.80'], ' 0.80');

$poplos = PopUp(
['alpha ?',  '0.20', "0.10", '0.05',  '0.025',  '0.02', '0.01',  '0.005',  '0.002', '0.001','0.0005',  '0.0001', '0.00005', '0.00001', '0.000005'], $a1);

$popup10 = PopUp(
["Choose:",  'upper tailed', 'lower tailed', 'two tailed'], 'lower tailed');

$popup11 = PopUp(
["?",  '-', '+', '+ or -'], '-');

$popup12 = PopUp(
["Z-Critical?", "1.282", "1.645","1.960", "2.326", "2.576", "3.090", "3.291", "3.891", "4.491"], $z1);

$pop14 = PopUp(
["LOS ??",  "20%","10%", "5%", "2.5%", "2%", "1%", "0.5%", "0.2%", "0.1%", "0.05%", "0.01%", "0.005%", "0.001%", "0.0005%" ], $ap1);

$pop15 = PopUp(
["reject ?", "reject", "do not reject"], $rj);

$pop16 = PopUp(
["?", ">", "<"], $in);

$pop17 = PopUp(
["?", ">", "<"], $in);

$pop18 = PopUp(
["?", "-", "+", "+ or -"], "-");

$pop19 = PopUp(
["Z-Critical?", "1.282", "1.645","1.960", "2.326", "2.576", "3.090", "3.291", "3.891", "4.491"], $z1);

$pop20 = PopUp(
["?", ">", "<"], $in);

$pop21 = PopUp(
["which bracketed p-value?",
"(p > 0.20)","(p > 0.10)","(0.10 < p < 0.20)", "(0.05 < p < 0.10)", "(0.025 < p < 0.05)", "(0.02 < p < 0.05)", "(0.01 < p < 0.025)","(0.01 < p < 0.02)",  "(0.005 < p < 0.01)", "(0.002 < p < 0.01)", "(0.001 < p < 0.005)", "(0.001 < p < 0.002)",  "(0.0005 < p < 0.001)", "(0.0001 < p < 0.001)", "(0.00005 < p < 0.0005)",  "(0.00001 < p < 0.0001)", "(0.000005 < p < 0.00005)","(p < 0.00001)", "(p < 0.000005)"], $pb1 );

$pop22 = PopUp(
["?", ">", "<"], $in);

$pop23 = PopUp(
["alpha ?",  "0.20", "0.10", "0.05",  "0.025",  "0.02", "0.01",  "0.005",  "0.002", "0.001","0.0005",  "0.0001", "0.00005", "0.00001", "0.000005"], $a1);

$pop24 = PopUp(
["?", "decrease", "increase", "remain unchanged"], $dc);

####  Begin Problem...

   *Drawn from Lecture Notes: Week 7 Day 3.*  

*14B.2)* In Virginia the big eared bat's population has dropped to a near endangered level of 10,000 due to White Nose Syndrome (WNS). WNS is a fungus the grows on the bats nose and wing tips of the blighted bat and has a mortality rate of 80% for all bats who catch the fungus. In an effort to treat WNS, biologists dusted an anti-fungal powder on a random sample of [$n] bats with WNS and yet [$y] of these bats still died. Was the anti-fungal powder effective in reducing the mortality rate for the big eared bat? Test the hypothesis at the [$ap1] LOS.  
fat = [`[$fat]`]  
zh = [$zh]  
z1 = [$z1]  
a1 = [$a1]  
*14B.2) Step 1*  Preliminary check on sample size.  
Is [``n \cdot p_o(1-p_o) \ge 10``] ?  
Then   [``n \cdot p_o(1-p_o) ``] = [______] [$popup1->menu]* [``\Large{\text{10}}``] 
We conclude that this data set [$popup0->menu]* an ample sample for hypothesis testing on one proportion.


['$BBOLD Note! $EBOLD Because of the limitations in software most special characters can not be included in a "pop-up" answer format and yet they are needed for the hypothesis formation. The pop-up selections will be in the text-form for the special characters embedded within the pop-up answer. Use the table at the right as a guide if needed.','  ',[image( "Symbol_translation.png", width=>165, height=>290, tex_size=>700 ) ] ,image( "Z_Table.png", width=>235, height=>212, tex_size=>700 ),]
  caption => 'English text equivalence with special symbols, and an abbreviated Z-table: ',
  align => 'p{3in} p{0.1in} p{2in}p{3in}'



*14B.2) Step 2*  Make selections that will create the best declaration of variable for the biologist's hypothesis.  

[$popup13->menu]* = The [$popup2->menu]* of bats with WNS treated with anti-fungal powder that [$popup3->menu("pdes")]*

*14B.2) Step 3*  Make selections that will create the correct hypothesis and LOS statement for the biologist's hypothesis. 
[``\Large{H_o:}``] [$popup4->menu]* [$popup5->menu]* [$popup6->menu("pnot")]*  
[``\Large{H_a:}``] [$popup7->menu]* [$popup8->menu]* [$popup9->menu("pnota")]*
[``\Large{\alpha =}``] [$poplos->menu]*

*14B.2) Step 4*  The decision line for this hypothesis test is: [$popup10->menu]*  
*14B.2) Step 5*  The Z-critical value for this hypothesis test is:  
Z-critical = [$popup11->menu]* [$popup12->menu]*   
*14B.2) Step 6*  The statistical conclusion for this hypothesis test is:  

At the [$pop14->menu]*  LOS we [$pop15->menu]*  the null hypothesis of  [``\large{H_o  }``], because:


[' Z Notational $BR Support: $BR $BR Numeric $BR Validation: ',' \(\hspace{10pt}\)  \(\large{Z_{sample}}\) \(\hspace{2pt}\) '.$pop16->menu.' \(\hspace{2pt}\) \(\large{Z_{critical}}\) $BR $BR '.$zsam->ans_rule(5).' '.$pop17->menu.''.$pop18->menu.''.$pop19->menu.'' ],
  caption => '  ',
  align => 'p{1.2in}p{7in}'

['p-Notational $BR Support: $BR $BR Numeric $BR Validation: ',' \(\hspace{115pt}\) \(\Large{p} \hspace{2pt}\) '.$pop20->menu.'\(\hspace{2pt} \Large{\alpha}\) $BR $BR '.$pop21->menu.''.$pop22->menu.''.$pop23->menu.'' ],
  caption => '  ',
  align => 'p{1.2in}p{7in}'



*14B.2) Step 7*   Write an English sentence conclusion.  
The evidence supports the case that the mortality rate of bats afflicted with  
WNS will  [$pop24->menu]* when treated with anti-fungal powder.


#Adapted weighted answers values:  

## Problems 14B.2 ##
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pnp)->cmp, 7 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($popup1)->cmp, 1 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($popup0)->cmp, 1 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($popup13)->cmp, 4 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($popup2)->cmp, 4 );

NAMED_WEIGHTED_ANS(pdes => $popup3->cmp->withPostFilter(
      "survive." => "No. Just what kind of rate is being measured?",
   "die." => "Yes!",
   ["survive will exceed 80%.","survive will be about 80%.", "survive will be less than 80%.", 'survive will exceed '.$phat.'.', 'survive will be about '.$phat.'.' , 'survive will be less than '.$phat.'.' ] => "Survival rates are not sought, and do not restrict your variable declaration to a quantity.",
   ["die will exceed 80%.", "die will be about 80%.","die will be less than 80%.", 'die will exceed '.$phat.'.', 'die will be about '.$phat.'.', 'die will be less than '.$phat.'.'] => "Do not restrict your variable declaration to a quantity.",
  )), 7 );

WEIGHTED_ANS( ($popup4)->cmp, 4 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($popup5)->cmp, 1 );

##  Note below that numeric values and variables need to be converted to 
## strings (text) by the addition of a leading blank space between the quote
## and the numeric value. Variables can read and rendered within popups
## by inserting periods before and after entry, called concatenation.
## all shown in this example below:

NAMED_WEIGHTED_ANS(pnot => $popup6->cmp->withPostFilter(
   ' 0'=>"The proportion is not zero.",
   ' '.$phat.''=>"Sample data should not be used in the hypothesis statement.",
   '80%'=>"Percents are not the same as proportions.",
   ' 0.80'=>"Yes.",
  )), 4 );

WEIGHTED_ANS( ($popup7)->cmp, 3 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($popup8)->cmp, 3 );

NAMED_WEIGHTED_ANS(pnota => $popup9->cmp->withPostFilter(
   ' 0'=>"The proportion is not zero.",
   ' '.$phat.''=>"Sample data should not be used in the hypothesis statement.",
   '80%'=>"Percents are not the same as proportions.",
   ' 0.80'=>"Yes.",
  )), 4 );

WEIGHTED_ANS( ($poplos)->cmp, 1 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($popup10)->cmp, 4 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($popup11)->cmp, 2 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($popup12)->cmp, 4 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pop14)->cmp, 1 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pop15)->cmp, 4 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pop16)->cmp, 1 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($zsam)->cmp, 16 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pop17)->cmp, 2 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pop18)->cmp, 3 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pop19)->cmp, 4 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pop20)->cmp, 2 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pop21)->cmp, 7 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pop22)->cmp, 1 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pop23)->cmp, 3 );
WEIGHTED_ANS( ($pop24)->cmp, 3 );


The correct answers are coming....in 2017, Hah!



In reply to tim Payer

Re: Error statements generated for 3 of 9 random listed values through a popup error.

by Paul Pearson -
Hi Tim,

Try putting quotes around each item in list_random:

$a1 = list_random('0.10', '0.05', '0.025', '0.01', '0.005', '0.001', '0.0005', '0.00005', '0.000005');

This should make $a1 into a string rather than as a number (unless Perl deems it necessary to convert this scalar from a string to a number to do a computation), which may prevent a decimal to binary conversion that might be the cause of the problem.

Best regards,

Paul Pearson
In reply to Paul Pearson

Re: Error statements generated for 3 of 9 random listed values through a popup error.

by tim Payer -
Thank you Paul,

But Unfortunately, converting those decimal values  to strings does create a new problem as the values wont be regarded as numeric when they encounter this if- else condition for the hypothesis test whith this error:

$ap1 = $ap1{$a1};

$zsam =Compute("($phat1-$po)/sqrt($po*(1-$po)/$n)");
$zh =Compute("-1*$zsam");

#$z1 = "3.090";

if($zh > $z1){    ## this is line 94
  $in = "<";
  $rj = "reject";
  $dc = "decrease";
} else {
  $in = ">";
  $rj = "do not reject";
  $dc = "increase";

What I do not understand is how 6 of 9 of these decimal values can pass through without a problem, while three of them ( 0.10, 0.00005, 0.000005) flag errors.
Do you think it would work any easier if I converted all these variables to linked arrays of numeric values?

In reply to tim Payer

Re: Error statements generated for 3 of 9 random listed values through a popup error.

by Danny Glin -
I can tell you why 0.10 is causing a problem: when $a1 is set to 0.10, perl removes the trailing 0, which means the value of $a1 is actually 0.1, so it doesn't match the string "0.10". As for the other two, it's possible that because of the very small values they are being stored differently.

You may be able to still use Paul's suggestion. You should be able to convert the string back to a real number for the comparison. I believe this should do the trick:
if($zh > Real($z1)){ ## this is line 94
In reply to Danny Glin

Re: Error statements generated for 3 of 9 random listed values through a popup error.

by tim Payer -
Thank you Danny!

I will try this, it looks promising.

In reply to tim Payer

Re: Error statements generated for 3 of 9 random listed values through a popup error.

by tim Payer -
Unfortunately Neither adding single quotes to the elements of $a1 random list variable or the Real() command had any affect.

Would it we worthy of using a series of linked arrays like what you see below?

I am curious if you have any other suggestions before I attempt a re-write of the variables within the problem and if you think that this alternative approach would net the same result?

Thanks, Tim

For example:

$r = list_random(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);  ## permits random selections of a specified range.
###  note that @a2 are for two-tailed scenarios and @a1 are for one-tailed:
@a2 = ('0.20','0.10','0.05','0.02','0.01','0.002','0.001','0.0001','0.00001');
@a1 =('0.10','0.05','0.025','0.01','0.005','0.001','0.0005', '0.00005', '0.000005');
@ap2=('20%','10%','5%','2%','1%','0.2%','0.1%','0.01%', '0.001%' );
@ap1=('10%','5%','2.5%','1%','0.5%','0.1%','0.05%', '0.005%' , '0.0005%' );
@z1 =('1.282','1.645','1.960','2.326','2.576','3.090','3.291','3.891','4.491');

With the plan to use $z1[$r] and $a1[$r] to refer to each variable?
Wouldn't this still have the same problem of:

In reply to tim Payer

Re: Error statements generated for 3 of 9 random listed values through a popup error.

by tim Payer -
Okay yes, the linked arrays solved the glitch.

Now all values for an LOS can be run.

Thanks for the help...Tim