DOCUMENT();loadMacros("", #loads four macros you loaded"", #almost always best practice"",
"", #my preference; easier for
#future users to work with
"", #allow yourself and future
#users to make course-wide
#customizations by editing this);TEXT(beginproblem()); #somewhere I heard it's better
#to cease using & and use ()
#instead; can't recall why$a = non_zero_random(-6,6,2);$b = non_zero_random(-6,6,2);$c = random(3,7);$d = random(10,15);$e = $c+$d;
Context("IntegerFunctions");$ans = Real("($a)^($c) ($b)^($d) C($e,$d)");
#makes $ans a MathObject Real, which among other
#things will enable special feedback messages to
#certain incorrect answers automatically;
#by using quotes, you pass a string instead of a
#perl real, and you can use ^ instead of **;
#the parens are needed in the bases, probably
#extraneous for the exponents
$f=Formula("($a x + $b y)^($e)")->reduce;
#in case $a or $b is -1, 0, or 1; which is not #possible with your randomization, but this
#is generally helpful
#PGML feels cleaner to me and easier for a future
#person to work with; also you get the answer
#evaluation right next to the answer blankBEGIN_PGMLWhat is the coefficient of [`[$term]`] in the expansion of [`[$f]`]?
It looks like maybe you are modeling from some outdated templates. I thought it might be worth offering how I might write this problem today: