However nothing seems to be acceptable to enter this into the answer blank. Entering [5.099] gives the message:
Your answer isn't an interval, set or union
(it looks like a real number)
And entering [5.099, 5.101] gives the message:
The parentheses for your set are of the wrong type
What's going on here?
For now I will advise the author to tighten the tolerance, and I think all will be well. But I wanted to post in case this identifies a bug.
DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( "", "", "", ); ############################################## TEXT(beginproblem()); $a = 5.1; $b = 0.001; Context("Interval"); $c = $a-$b; $d = $a+$b; $ans = Compute("[$c,$d]"); ############################################## BEGIN_PGML Enter [`[$ans]`]. [_______________]{$ans} END_PGML ############################################## ENDDOCUMENT();