WeBWorK Problems

Message "Your union can be simplified by combining some sets" in case if a wrong answer.

Message "Your union can be simplified by combining some sets" in case if a wrong answer.

by F. Heiderich -
Number of replies: 1
In the following problem the student gets the message "Your union can be simplified by combining some sets" if he enters the wrong answer "(-inf,-3) U (1,inf)". In my opinion this is misleading, because it suggests that the answer is right but could be further reduced. Neither of it is the case.




$I1 = Interval("(-infinity,-3)");
$I2 = Interval("(1,infinity)");
$I1intI2 = $I1->intersect($I2);


This problem will produce the error message 'Your union can be simplified by combining some sets' when the wrong answer "(-inf,3) U (1,inf)" is entered.

Determine the set of all [``x \in \mathbb{R}``] that fulfill the condition [``x < -3 \text{ and } x > 1``]: [_______________]{"$I1intI2"}.


In reply to F. Heiderich

Re: Message "Your union can be simplified by combining some sets" in case if a wrong answer.

by F. Heiderich -
I was not using the latest version of the develop branch. With the latest version I do not observe this error anymore. Sorry for the noise.