I am getting a new error in the draggableProof problem. The warning message claims that "choose" isn't numeric in array slice. The "choose" reference is likely due to the "choose" prompt in the pop-up questions that precede the draggable proof problem.
I have declared "Context()->normalStrings;" throughout this problem. And the line code of 213 is beyond the length of my code block.
Any help would be most appreciated.
But I understand that this feature is not yet an official option for the version 2.13 release.
# DESCRIPTION Interpretation of the Confidence Interval
# Translate descriptions of critical points and function
# into correct notation.
# WeBWorK problem written by TimPayer <tsp1@humboldt.edu>
## DBsubject(Calculus-single variable)
## DBchapter(Differentiation)
## DBsection(Conceptual understanding of derivatives)
## Institution(Humboldt State University)
## Author(Tim Payer)
## KEYWORDS(derivative, translate, notation)
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;
$popup1 = PopUp(
["choose", "A", "B", "C"
$popup2 = PopUp(
["choose", "D", "E", "F", "G"
$popup3 = PopUp(
["choose", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L"
$CorrectProof = DraggableProof([
"95% confidence means that",
"95% of all guinea pig brain cells",
"sampled will form",
"confidence intervals that",
"contain ",
"the true mean count of ",
"the dendritic branch segments emanating from the brain cell."
"there is a 95% chance that",
"the sample mean count of the",
"will exist within",
"we have calculated."
SourceLabel => "Choose phrases from here...",
TargetLabel => "...to create the correct interpretation of confidence here.",
*Drawn from the Lecture Notes: Week 6 Day 1, Quiz 5 Prep.*
*11.3)* A dendritic tree is a branched structure that emanates from the body of a nerve cell. In a study of brain development, researchers examined brain tissue from seven adult guinea pigs. The investigators randomly selected nerve cells from a certain region of the brain and counted the number of dendritic branch segments emanating from each selected cell. A total of 36 cells were selected, and the resulting counts are given in the table below.
[["38 25 35 48 17 26 $BR 47 24 38 38 49 41 $BR 35 44
59 $BR 42
26 $BR 28
26 $BR 38
53 ", ], ],
caption => ' The number of dendritic branches for 36 nerve cells. ',
midrules => 1,
align => '|p{1.3in}|',
Using [``\bar x = 35.67``], and [``sd = 9.99``] gives us [``SE_{\overline x} = \frac{9.99}{\sqrt{36}}=1.67``]
Then we obtain the confidence interval of [``35.67 \pm (2.042)(1.67)``]
or: [``32.3 < \mu < 39.1``]
*11.3a)* Choose the letter that best describes why the preceding analysis might be criticized. (Hint: Are the observations independent?) [___]{$popup1}
*A.)* The data is not large enough to ensure that we have a normal distribution.
*B.)* Seven rodents and 36 brain cells cannot form an even grouping of data. At least one rodent is over represented in the sample.
*C.)* The count of branch segments emanating from a nerve cell will vary over the rodents life. A single snap shot of a count of cells will not give a reliable comparison unless the specific age of the rodent is considered.
*11.3b)* Create 2 histograms of the sample data with R. Does the shape of these histograms support the criticism made in part a?
[["Web Page Access: ", headerrow => 1], "Or the URL link: "],
[[" \\(\\rightarrow\\) users.humboldt.edu/tpayer $BR
\\(\\rightarrow\\) Stat_109 $BR
\\(\\rightarrow\\) Data Files $BR
\\(\\rightarrow\\) HW11.csv" ], htmlLink( "http://users.humboldt.edu/tpayer/Stat_109/Data%20Files/HW11.csv","HW11_Nerves_data_set" ) ],
caption => ' Access the HW11.csv MS Excel file at either location:',
midrules => 1,
align => '|p{2in}|p{2in}|',
Still need some help loading the data into R-Studio?
Try checking out the pdf file called "Loading_CSV_Files_in_R_Studio.pdf".
This document uses the HW 10 data set as an example.
Look in the folder:
*users.humboldt.edu/tpayer* [`\rightarrow`]
[`\rightarrow`] Stat 109 [`\rightarrow`] Loading_CSV_Files_in_R_Studio.pdf
[["Create two histogram plots $BR with different bin widths." ], " Hints for R code: " ],
[["1.) The default display. $BR $BR
2.) The histogram bin span set to 1.5." ], " $BBOLD > attach(HW11) $BR > hist(Nerves) $BR > bins = seq(16.5, 61.5, by = 1.5 $BR > hist(Nerves, breaks = bins) $EBOLD" ],
caption => "Compare the distributions of two $BR histograms drawn from the same data set. ",
midrules => 1,
align => '|p{2.5in}|p{2.5in}|',
* Based on the comparison of your two histograms, select one of the four statements below that best explains the criticism made in part a above: [___]{$popup2}
*D.)* The data set does not pass normality, it is skewed left.
*E.)* The data set does not pass normality it is skewed right.
*F.)* The distribution shows 2 or perhaps 3 modes which may reflect the hierarchical structure in the data. That is, the different modes may represent different age classes of kinds of guinea pigs.
*G.)* There is always variation in a random selection of data. With such a small data set it is not unusual to see what looks like a blending of 2 or 3 modes within one normal distribution.
*11.3c)* Interpret the meaning of the confidence interval in the context of this problem. If we have 95% confidence then 95% of what must be true? Choose the one correct interpretation within the following list below: [___]{$popup3}
*H.)* 95% confidence means that 95% of all guinea pig brain cells sampled will form confidence intervals that bracket the true mean count of dendritic branch segments emanating from a guinea pig's brain cell.
*I.)* 95% confidence means that 95% of all guinea pigs will have a mean number of dendritic branch segments emanating from each selected brain cell that falls within the confidence interval that we have calculated.
*J.)* 95% confidence means that 95% of all dendritic branch segments emanating from each selected guinea pig brain cell will exist within the confidence interval that we have calculated.
*K.)* 95% confidence means that 95% of all sample means of the count of dendritic branch segments emanating from each selected guinea pig brain cell will exist within the confidence interval that we have calculated.
*L.)* 95% confidence means that 95% of all guinea pig brain cells sampled will form confidence intervals that bracket the sample mean count of dendritic branch segments emanating from a guinea pig's brain cell.
$BBOLD 11.3c) $EBOLD Interpret the meaning of the confidence interval in the context of this problem. If we have 95% confidence then 95% of what must be true? $BR
Click and drag \{ $CorrectProof->numNeeded\} sentence framents from the left column to form a correct interpretation of the meaning of 95% confidence in the right column.
\{ $CorrectProof->Print \}
# Answer Evaluation
The correct answers are:
1. [@ $popup1->correct_ans("g'(12) = 0") @]*.
2. [@ $popup2->correct_ans("g'(14) < 0") @]*.
3. [@ $popup3->correct_ans("g'(15) = 0") @]*.