WeBWorK 2.13 is the master release currently for WeBWorK. http://webwork.maa.org/wiki/Release_notes_for_WeBWorK_2.13
WeBWorK 2.14 is currently the develop branch and will be split off for testing and eventual release later this week. I'm waiting for testing on the sendXMLRPC pull request (PR#860 ) https://github.com/openwebwork/webwork2/pull/860 .
After 2.14 is split off I will pull the various pull requests involved with allowing extended character sets (utf8mb, utf8, unicode, etc.) which will allow us to complete the internationalization (called "localization" in software speak) of WeBWorK.
The localization step will involve some significant changes to the database which make it more involved than the last few updates.
Dr. Gage,
Thank you for a quick response. According to this ...
... it is written that Ubuntu 16.04 ought to be used, apparently even over Ubuntu 18.04 (implied in Note 2). Is there any such instruction for any WW2.13 (or higher) version of WeBWorK with Ubuntu 18.04?
Thank you
The instruction manual for WeBWorK 2.13 on Ubuntu 18.04 should be available soon followed by an .iso file. The versions for WeBWorK 2.14 should be available soon after WeBWorK 2.14 is released.
When that note was written Ubuntu 18.04 didn't exist yet.
Often the instructions change only slightly from one version to the next, so even instructions for a previous version plus a little experimentation will allow you to work with the next version.
The installation instructions from one version of WeBWorK to the next are almost always the same, although sometimes you have to add an extra CPAN module.
I just made a public repo of my Ansible playbook for deploying WW 2.13 to Ubuntu 16.04 in AWS.
With some modifications you could make this work for on-prem or for other hosting--you'd just need to change the inventories and a couple parts to the workflow so it doesn't do AWS specific stuff (like set up codecommit helper credentials or install aws-cli).
I don't think it would be hard to get it to work with 18.04--you'd just have to figure out which packages have been renamed or repackaged into something else and make those modifications.
Like Michael said, if you want to go to WW 2.14 or WW 2.15 you would just need to figure out any additional Perl requirements and add them to the package list. (You'd also need to change the branch the script pull down from the WW github repo).
Thanks Tony. This will be very helpful. These devops tools take a little while to figure out (for me at least) but in the long run they are going to make the deployment of WeBWorK a much easier and more routine operation.
Thanks again. I appreciate your patience in getting this to work.
-- Mike
The installation manual for installing WeBWorK 2.13 on Ubuntu 18.04 is available at http://webwork.maa.org/wiki/Installation_Manual_for_2.13_on_Ubuntu_18.04 .
The main difference between the 18.04 and 16.04 installations is that with 18.04 the root MySQL user is authenticated using an auth_socket plugin by default rather than with a password.