This seems to work in all major browsers and looks decent even in hard copies. I have posted the PGML code below:
DOCUMENT();loadMacros("","","",);Context("Numeric")->flags->set(formatStudentAnswer => parsed,reduceConstants => 0,reduceConstantFunctions => 0,);Context()->variables->add(t => "Real");Context()->variables->set(t => {limits => [0,1]});Parser::Number::NoDecimals;$a = Formula("0");$b = Formula("pi/3");$soln = Formula("1/2*((9*cos(t))**2 - (1+cos(t))**2)");BEGIN_PGML[@ MODES(HTML=>"<style> a.btn.codeshard-btn {display:none; } .codeshard {border-radius:4px !important;}</style>", TeX=>"") @]*[@ MODES(HTML=>"<style> #AnSwEr0001 {padding:0px; padding-top:-5px; padding-left: 2px; margin-bottom:-10px; margin-top:35px; margin-left:-11px; max-width:24px !important; font-size:8pt; height:16px !important;}</style>", TeX=>"") @]*[@ MODES(HTML=>"<style> #AnSwEr0002 {padding:0px; padding-top:-5px; padding-left: 2px; margin-bottom:35px; margin-left:-23px; max-width:24px !important; font-size:8pt; height:16px !important;}</style>", TeX=>"") @]*On a piece of paper sketch the cardioid [`r_1 = 1+\cos\theta`] and the circle [`r_2=3\cos\theta`].Set up an integral that represents the area of the region in the *_first quadrant_* that is inside the circle but outside the cardioid.[``\text{Area} = \int``] [_]{$a}{1} [_]{$b}{1} [_]{$soln}{30} [`\; dt`]*Notes:* Use [`t`] in place of [`\theta`]. You do not have to evaluate this integral!END_PGMLENDDOCUMENT();