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wrong chatset upgrade 2.10 to 2.14

wrong chatset upgrade 2.10 to 2.14

by Edwin Flórez -
Number of replies: 2

I did the upgrade and now we have problems rendering Spanish pg files, it looks like this:

"Mario tiene un billete de 50 dólares..."

The pg file is UTF-8 set, What am I not doing correctly?

I read from this post http://webwork.maa.org/moodle/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=4222 that UTF-8 it will supported in 2.14.

In reply to Edwin Flórez

Re: wrong chatset upgrade 2.10 to 2.14

by Nathan Wallach -
Edwin -

The UTF8 support did not make it into release 2.14, but it (in my opinion) essentially ready for production use. I expect to have a production server running it in about a week, and several other people have already been using various versions of the code with UTF8 support in production elsewhere for well over a year.

If you are comfortable using git to update webwork2 and pg, you should be able to get the UTF8 code working on your current server using the code from the 2 pull requests covered below.

However, it almost certainly makes sense to try out the UTF8 support first in Docker first. That approach is safer than hacking on your main server. See:
  1. the main WW docker instructions at https://github.com/openwebwork/webwork2/wiki/Docker-newbie-instructions and
  2. the comments at https://github.com/mgage/webwork2/pull/24 on testing the full utf8mb4 support in Docker, which requires some changes to mgage's branch which that pull request makes.


# ====================

If you have a pg directory which has the Git data, the following should hopefully get what you need installed:

# ====================

cd PATH/pg # Fix the path...

git remote add mgage https://github.com/mgage/pg.git
git fetch mgage

# Next command is one long line
git checkout -b new_develop_candidate_multilingual remotes/mgage/new_develop_candidate_multilingual

git status
# Should show that you are on the new_develop_candidate_multilingual branch...

# ====================


https://github.com/openwebwork/webwork2/pull/927 which I think is almost "good enough" (but will have some database related issues if you use the utfmb4 charset, a "full" SQL utf8 which supports also 4 byte characters, for the database tables as is recommended for storing "real" utf8 data) or a slightly updated version with some recent changes I submitted to fix those issues when utf8mb4 is used by the database backend. Hopefully my changes will be merged into the main PR 927 soon.

# ====================

If you have a webwork2 directory which has the Git data, the following should hopefully get what you need installed (I'm recommending using mgage's branch which "feeds" into the main PR 927

cd PATH/webwork2 # Fix the path...

git remote add mgage https://github.com/mgage/webwork2.git
git fetch mgage

# Next command is one long line
git checkout -b develop_candidate_02_24_2019 remotes/mgage/develop_candidate_02_24_2019

git status
# Should show that you are on the develop_candidate_02_24_2019 branch...

# ====================

# The next steps would pull in my recent changes, if desired
git fetch mgage pull/24/head:develop_candidate_02_24_2019_utf8mb4
git checkout develop_candidate_02_24_2019_utf8mb4
git log
# You should see 5 commits of mine before Mike's "Reconcile copyright dates" commit.