here at NCSU, we often have the problem when we're editing problems and problem sets that Webwork seems to drop our permissions and we have to re-login to continue. This is not related to the Timeout limit, since it occurs very quickly after login and seems to be related to some operations on problems sets. For example, I get the same error simply by adding a blank problem to a problem set and then trying to copy a filename of the pg file and clicking on "save changes" The error message is
ECE220_master [class name] uses an external authentication system (e.g., Oncourse, CAS, Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas, etc.). Please return to system you used and try again.
When I logon again, I can see the change has been done and I can continue.
This is particularly annoying when trying to edit problems and debug them, since it requires many logins.
Any ideas of the problem or similar experiences?