
Embedding single WeBWorK problems in HTML pages - Error 404

Re: Embedding single WeBWorK problems in HTML pages - Error 404

by Nathan Wallach -
Number of replies: 0
It would help to see the HTML code you are using to try to do the embedding.

I do not think that the regular embedding method makes use of a provided session key (though it should apparently be creating a session_key after the course_password authentication worked). It is intended to work using the fixed user/password provided in the settings, and all users of the HTML page would be treated as the same "daemon" user. See:

I have beta code for using embedding together with LTI (and grade pass-back) in a PR to make the code public. That approach links the connection to the specific user of the LMS, will create a session key, and has a very initial method of recording answers in the WW database. You can take a look and experiment with it.

Some notes about html2xml + UTF-8