I am working on writing transformation of functions problems, so I am looking to display af(bx-c)+d with it automatically simplifying multiplications by 1 and adding zero.
The problem I am having is that my parenthesis are disappearing. It worked fine for 2f(x-1) but not if c=0.
The code I was using has (note that it is a static question but allows me to change values as I see fit or randomize it later if I want):
DOCUMENT(); # This should be the first executable line in the problem.
# Setup
$a = -1;
$b = 2;
$c = 0;
$d = 3;
$x1 = 0;
$y1 = 2;
$x2 = -5;
$y2 = 4;
$x3 = -2;
$y3 = 4;
$x4 = 2;
$y4 = 0;
$x5 = 5;
$y5 = 6;
Context ("Numeric");
Context ()->variables->add (f => 'Real');
$transformation = Formula("$a f( $b x-$c)+$d")->reduce;
# Main text
Consider the graph (click on the image to make it larger):
>> [@image( "https://d1q29jrdo98n6g.cloudfront.net/embed/p5eee3fb1fcfb2871abe9d575/Transformations_Homework_Pic_1.jpg", width=>300, height=>150,
tex_size=>700, extra_html_tags=>'alt="Graph of a plot."' )@]*** <<
For the transformation [`` [$transformation] ``].
The point ([$x1],[$y1]) goes to the point [___________].
The point ([$x2],[$y2]) goes to the point [___________].
The point ([$x3],[$y3]) goes to the point [___________].
The point ([$x4],[$y4]) goes to the point [___________].
The point ([$x5],[$y5]) goes to the point [___________].
# Answer
$point1 = Point("(($x1 +$c)/$b,($a*$y1)+ $d)");
$point2 = Point("(($x2 +$c)/$b,($a*$y2)+ $d)");
$point3 = Point("(($x3 +$c)/$b,($a*$y3)+ $d)");
$point4 = Point("(($x4 +$c)/$b,($a*$y4)+ $d)");
$point5 = Point("(($x5 +$c)/$b,($a*$y5)+ $d)");
####tolerance included for later problems that include decimals so I have that option
ANS($point1->cmp(tolType => 'absolute',
tolerance => 0.00));
ANS($point2->cmp(tolType => 'absolute',
tolerance => 0.00));
ANS($point3->cmp(tolType => 'absolute',
tolerance => 0.00));
ANS($point4->cmp(tolType => 'absolute',
tolerance => 0.00));
ANS($point5->cmp(tolType => 'absolute',
tolerance => 0.00));
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;