WeBWorK Main Forum

Has there been an official 2.15 release?

Has there been an official 2.15 release?

by Larry Riddle -
Number of replies: 2

I would like to update our WeBWorK server from 2.14 to 2.15 to be ready for the fall semester. But the most recent release notes I can find seem to be for the pre-release beta version and are dated October 6, 2019. Has 2.15 been "officially" released yet, and if so, are the release notes available somewhere? Not being an expert Linux user and the only system admin for WeBWorK at my college, I have found the detailed step-by-step release notes for previous versions to be extremely helpful.

In reply to Larry Riddle

Re: Has there been an official 2.15 release?

by tim Payer -
Yes!  I too would like to know if WeBWorK subscribers will be updated this Fall to version 2.15.

All our Geogebra applets are non-operational in Version 2.13 that we have been using for 2 years.

Is there a chance that subscribers will be treated to version 2.15 this Fall?
