Not sure the subject captures exactly the issue, so I'll try to elaborate.
A few summers ago we hired some students to help write some problems for us.
Some of those problems look OK when accessed by a student, but don't render properly in other areas, such as the homework sets editor. An example is below.
The issue seems to be that in the setup (prior to BEGIN_PGML) there are some variables defined to contain some LaTeX bits. The goal seems to be to render a system of equations with a large left brace at the front.
Obvious first question: why the hell does a system of equations need a big ol' brace at the front anyway? That was my thought. I was about to just delete it and move on, but decided I should learn the right way in case it comes up later.
Here is sample code:
## Solving a system of equations where the resulting matrix
## is the identity matrix
## DBsubject(Linear algebra)
## DBchapter(Matrices)
## DBsection(Row operations)
## Date(2018-06-12)
## Institution(University of Lethbridge)
## Author(Mitchell Sulz-Martin)
## Static(1)
## MO(1)
## Level(3)
## KEYWORDS('ULETH-1410', 'Gaussian Elimination', 'Row Operations', 'System of equations')
# Provides greater control over the layout of the problem.
# Used for course-specific initializations.
# Setup
sub disSYS{
$M = shift;
@dim = $M->dimensions;
@d = @_;
$data = "\[ \left\lbrace\begin{array}{";
@var = ("x", "y", "z");
for (my $i = 0; $i < $dim[1]; $i++) { $data = $data."r"; }
$data = $data."}";
for(my $i = 0; $i < $dim[0]; $i++){
my $nonzero = 0;
for (my $j = 0; $j < $dim[1]-1; $j++){
$m = $M->element($i+1,$j+1);
if($j == 0){
if ($m == 1) {$data = $data."$var[$j]"; $nonzero = 1;}
elsif ($m == -1) {$data = $data." - $var[$j]"; $nonzero = 1;}
elsif ($m != 0) {$data = $data."$m $var[$j]"; $nonzero = 1;}
else {$data = $data." & ";}}
$sign = ($m > 0) ? "+" : "-";
$sign = ($m > 0 && $nonzero == 0)? " ":$sign;
if ($m == 0) {$data = $data." & & ";}
elsif (abs($m) == 1 && $nonzero) {$data = $data."& $sign & $var[$j]";}
elsif ($nonzero) {$a = abs($m); $data = $data."& $sign & $a $var[$j]";}
else {$data = $data."& $m $var[$j]";}
$nonzero = 1;
if ($j == $dim[1] - 2 && $i != $dim[0] - 1) {$data = $data." & = & ".$M->element($i+1,$j+2)." \\";}
elsif ($j == $dim[1] - 2 && $i == $dim[0] - 1) {$data = $data." & = & ".$M->element($i+1,$j+2);}}}}
$data = $data."\end{array}\right. \]";
return $data;}
do { $L = non_zero_random(-4, 4); $J = non_zero_random(-3, 5); $K = non_zero_random(-3, 5);
$I = non_zero_random( 0, 5); $H = non_zero_random( 0, 5); $E = non_zero_random( 0, 3);
$D = non_zero_random( 0, 2); $B = non_zero_random( 0, 5); $C = non_zero_random(-3, 0);
$F = non_zero_random(-8, 8); $G = non_zero_random(0, 3); $A = non_zero_random( 0, 5);}
until($L > $J && $J > $K && $H > $I && ($A % ($E*$C)) == 0 && $L != 1 && $L != -1 && $I != 1 && $G != 1 );
$alpha = $B + ($D*$C);
$beta = $E + ($G*$D);
$gamma = $A + ($E*$C);
$x1 = $L;
$y1 = $L * $G;
$z1 = $L * $beta;
$s1 = $L * ($gamma + ($G * $alpha));
$x2 = $J;
$y2 = $I + ($J * $G);
$z2 = ($I * $D) + ($J * $beta);
$s2 = ($I * $alpha) + ($J * ($gamma + ($G * $alpha)));
$x3 = $K;
$y3 = $H + ($K * $G);
$z3 = $F + ($D * $H) + ($K * $beta);
$s3 = ($F * $C) + ($H * $alpha) + ($K * ($gamma + ($G * $alpha)));
$M = Matrix([[$x1, $y1, $z1, $s1,],[$x2, $y2, $z2, $s2,],[$x3, $y3, $z3, $s3,],]);
$ds = disSYS($M);
# Main Text
$M = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, $A,],[0, 1, 0, $B,],[0, 0, 1, $C,],]);
###Solve the following system of equations.
>>[`x = `][____]{$A}<<
>>[`y = `][____]{$B}<<
>>[`z = `][____]{$C}<<
Randomization provides many different possible versions of this question.<BR>
Does NOT include a solution set.<BR>
Recommended Settings:<BR>
- Weight: 2<BR>
- Max attempts: Unlimited<BR>
- Show me another: -2<BR>
- Rerandomize after: Default<BR>
Made from a ULETH template.<BR>");