I am writing exponential equation problems. While an approximate answer is fine in many cases, I am also wanting to force a correct answer at time. For instance, I may want the students to give the answer in the form: ln(5)/7 or (3ln(3)-4ln(2))/(2ln(2)-5ln(3)) instead of as the decimal.
I have a solution that is easily adaptable to a wide array of such problems, but am struggling to get the solutions to output the way I want (it is giving the decimal wonderfully). I could force the students to not use a decimal, but I want the solution output to match the answer they put in.
Here is what I have:
"PGstandard.pl", # Standard macros for PG language
# Print problem number and point value (weight) for the problem
# Show which answers are correct and which ones are incorrect
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;
# Setup
$base1 = e;
$base2 = 5;
$a = 7;
$b = 0;
$power1 = Formula("$a x+$b")->reduce;
$c = 0;
$d = 1;
$power2 = Formula("$c x+$d")->reduce;
##y is base1, z is base2
$num = Formula("$d ln(z)-$b ln(y)")->reduce;
$den = Formula("$a ln(y)-$c ln(z)")->reduce;
$ans = Formula("$num/$den");
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!