To what directory should I cd, and what command should I use, in order to upgrade pg and OPL for the Docker version of WeBWorK 2.15?
There are various places on this website where upgrading/updating instructions are given, but none seem to fit the directory structure for the Docker-installed version.
For example, at, it gives instructions:
`$ cd /opt/webwork/libraries/webwork-open-problem-library`
`$ git pull`
`$ OPL-update`
But I find is no such directory /opt/webwork/libraries/webwork-open-problem-library. Rather, in Terminal I started WeBWork with command `cd ~/Sites/webwork/webwork2; docker-compose up -d`. And now at tree level webwork, I see directories `DATA`, `bin`, `clients`, `conf,` `docker-config`, `htdocs`, lib`, etc.