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Gateway quiz submission time

Gateway quiz submission time

by Valerio De Angelis -
Number of replies: 4

Is there a way to know when a student submitted a gateway quiz? (meaning, how many minutes left were there?). I had some issues in one class that makes it useful for me to know which students completed the quiz with some minutes to spare, and which submitted it at the last minute. But I could not find that information anywhere. Thanks.


In reply to Valerio De Angelis

Re: Gateway quiz submission time

by Siman Wong -
I'm new to gateway quiz myself and I just posted several questions on the forum


My question #6 seems to be somewhat related to your question, and the suggestion I got was to look at /opt/webwork/courses/courseId/logs/login.log from the file manager. I don't know if this helps your situation; check it out and let us know if it works. Good luck!
In reply to Siman Wong

Re: Gateway quiz submission time

by Valerio De Angelis -
Thanks for the suggestion. I found the login.log file and I can see when the student logged in or out of the account. This can be helpful, but it doesn't show when the student actually submitted the gateway quiz. I wanted to find out which students finished the test early, with some minutes to spare. A student may have continued to be logged in after submitting the quiz. It would be useful to know for each student, exactly how many minutes it took them to complete the quiz.
In reply to Valerio De Angelis

Re: Gateway quiz submission time

by Glenn Rice -
You can determine the time that the quiz was completed by looking at the past answers for that student. Look for the times on the left for each problem where the answer starts with "[submit]". That is the time that the student hit "Grade Test".