I've used webwork many times for homework, but this is the first time I use it for exam (as a timed gateway quiz), and I would like to confirm my understanding of some of the settings/options.
Goal: Let students take a 60 minutes exam within a time block; no reduced scoring enabled/no hint allowed.
My current settings:
- hide hints from students: YES
- reduced scoring enabled: NO
- Test Time limit: 60
- Cap Test Time at Set Close Date: YES (students who start late will NO get extra time)
- Number of Graded Submission per Test: 1
- Time interval for New Test Versions: 0
- Number of Tests per Time Interval: 1
Q#2: Based on some of the posts I have read, if a student is allowed to submit answers for the same version of the test multiple times, for each problem the student will earn the highest score among all attempts. If so that I need to set the number of graded submission to 1 (as in (1) above). Right? BUT:
Q#3: I want to encourage them to periodically submit answers in case e.g. their internet/power goes down etc. Would that not be in conflict with Q#2? What's an alternative way to help ensure that students submit/record partial work? And just to be sure: Clicking "Grade Quiz" is the ONLY way to "submit" answers, right? What's the difference between that and "Preview Answer"?
Q#4: According to
even if a student does not hit "submit", the system will still save all work done and can be retrieved under "Show past answer"?
Q#4': Right now I display all problems on one page. If I display one problem per page, as a student goes from one page to the next would the answer be "saved" before moving on? (if so that would eliminate a lot of my concerns)
Q#5: When the time is up and the grace period starts, is there a way to get webwork to display a message saying "it's time to submit your answer"?
On a related note: How do I check if I'm using the default 120 seconds grade period? (I don't have admin access to the server)
Q#6: Is there a way for me to tell if a student log out and then log back in (and record the time for doing so)?
Many thanks for your help and clarification.