We have a (non-OPL) problem on the product rule, which seems simple enough, but something is not working correctly.
If I try submitting an answer, it gets marked as correct or incorrect, but the message doesn't show up in the results table:
I haven't been able to reproduce it, but one of my students reported the following error:
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Data too long for column 'frozen_hash' at row 1 at /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/DB/Schema/NewSQL/Std.pm line 837.Here is the code for the problem:
## This is Problem 2.4.15 from the APEX Calculus text. It covers differentiation of basic trig functions and the product rule.
## DBsubject(Calculus - single variable)
## DBchapter(Differentiation)
## DBsection(Product rule (with trigonometric functions))
## Level(2)
## Institution('Valdosta State University')
## Author('S. V. Ault')
## RevisedBy('F. J. Francis')
## TitleText1('APEX Calculus')
## AuthorText1('Hartman')
## EditionText1('3.0')
## Section1('2.4')
## Problem1('15')
## MO(1)
## Keywords('derivative', 'product rule', 'trig functions', 'ULETH-MATH1560', 'ULETH-MATH1565')
# Initialization
# Load whatever macros you need for the problem
# REQUIRED: Used for basic question and answer operations.
# REQUIRED: Used for expression parsing.
# Usually required for proper text formatting.
# Used to provide contextual help for how to type inequalities/intervals.
# Sets up basic problem information.
# Setup
$a = random(2,9,1);
$f = Formula("x^{$a}");
$fp = $f->D('x');
$r = random(1,2,1);
if ($r==1) {
$g = Formula("sin(x)");
$gp = Formula("cos(x)");
$ans = Formula("$f*cos(x) + $fp*sin(x)")->reduce();
} else {
$g = Formula("cos(x)");
$gp = Formula("-sin(x)");
$ans = Formula("-$f*sin(x) + $fp*cos(x)")->reduce();
$fb = Formula($f*$gp)->reduce();
$gb = Formula($fp*$g)->reduce();
# Problem Text
Compute the derivative of the given function.
>>[``f(x) = [$f*$g].``]<<
[`f'(x) = `] [_______________] [@ AnswerFormatHelp("formulas") @]*
# Solution
Use the Product Rule.
f'(x) = ([$f])([$gp]) + ([$fp])([$g]) = [$fb] + [$gb] = [$ans].
# Answer evaluation
# Setting this to 1 means that students will receive feedback on whether their
# answers are correct.
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0;
ANS( $ans->cmp() );
# Comments
Randomization provides 16 different possible versions of this question.<BR>
Includes a solution set.<BR>
Made from a ULETH template.<BR>