WeBWorK Problems

Help needed fixing local problem

Help needed fixing local problem

by Sean Fitzpatrick -
Number of replies: 5

We have some local problems that were written by summer students a couple of years ago.

One is not working properly. My problem authoring skills are minimal at the best of times, and this one appears to use a custom answer checker (possibly in Perl?).

The question asks for a non-diagonal matrix with a given determinant. If done correctly, it is marked as such. If a student enters a diagonal matrix with the requested determinant, it gets marked wrong. (Good, though it's too bad they didn't put in a feedback message pointing out what's wrong.)

The main problem: anything with the wrong determinant gets marked correct! So the only way you get this wrong is if you have a diagonal matrix with the correct determinant. Is there an easy way to modify the answer checker to verify the determinant? Here's the code:





  # Used to provide contextual help for how to type answers.


  # Provides greater control over the layout of the problem.


  # Used for course-specific initializations.





#  Setup

# Used for handling matrix problems.



# ans : the random value of the determinant for the question.

# M : A solution matrix used to verify a student answer or act as a solution set.

$ans = non_zero_random(-10,10,1);

$M = Matrix([








#  Main text



###Enter a non-diagonal 4x4 matrix with a determinant of [$ans].

[`A =`] [@ $M->ans_array(5) @]* [@ AnswerFormatHelp("matrices") @]*




$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0;

ANS( $M->cmp(

     checker => sub {

       my ($M,$student,$ansHash) = @_; 

       my ($sdet)=$student->det();

       return ($sdet != $ans or $student->is_symmetric ? 0 : 1);





#  Solution




One possible solution is [`A = [$M]`].

We know that the determinant of any upper triangular matrix is the product of the element along the diagonal. So by placing [`[$ans]`] anywhere on the diagonal and filling the upper half of the matrix with any numbers (since they do not effect the determinant).



    Randomization provides 19 different possible versions of this question.<BR>

    Includes a solution set.<BR>

    Recommended Settings:<BR>

    - Weight: 2<BR>

    - Max attempts: Unlimited<BR>

    - Show me another: -2<BR>

    - Rerandomize after: Default<BR>

    Made from a ULETH template.<BR>




In reply to Sean Fitzpatrick

Re: Help needed fixing local problem

by Alex Jordan -

The instructions are:

###Enter a non-diagonal 4x4 matrix with a determinant of [$ans].

Those three octothorpes make that line an h3 in HTML output. That seems inappropriate, and I might suggest removing them. But anyway, the determinant is supposed to equal $ans. But in the answer checker there is:

return ($sdet != $ans or $student->is_symmetric ? 0 : 1);

I see a few things with this. One, it appears to be using is_symmetric as a proxy for being diagonal, but that is going block some symmetric non-diagonal answers form being accepted. Also I'm think the trinary logic operator A?B:C has higher precedence than "or", so you'd want it like:

return (($sdet != $ans or $student->is_symmetric)  ? 0 : 1);

It seems unnecessary to use the ?: operator. It could be:

return (($sdet == $ans) and not($student->is_symmetric));

But still, it's checking for symmetry, not diagonalness. I don't see a method for quickly checking if a matrix is diagonal. You could write a nested loop to check every element and ensure there are 0s off the diagonal. Something like:

my $isDiagonal = 1;
for my $i (1..4) {
  for my $j (1..4) {
    $isDiagonal = 0 if (($i != $j) and ($student->element($i,$j) != 0));
    last() unless $isDiagonal;
  last() unless $isDiagonal;

return (!$isDiagonal and ($sdet == $ans));

This is untested. Might have typos and/or logical errors in my thinking as I type.

In reply to Alex Jordan

Re: Help needed fixing local problem

by Sean Fitzpatrick -
Thanks to you both for the quick help! The trouble with hiring summer students: some of them do a great job, and some of them leave behind buggy code that you don't discover until years later.
In reply to Sean Fitzpatrick

Re: Help needed fixing local problem

by Nathan Wallach -
You are welcome. Short term student programmers may be more likely to write buggy code, but even those with experience make mistakes. Doing some QA helps, code review helps more - but both are not always sufficient.

If the code was subjected to more use - bugs would probably get discovered and fixed sooner... Contributing problems to the OPL is one way to get them more widely used and thus tested and debugged. (Though I should not be the one to say this as my university is not rushing to share the locally developed content, at least not yet.)

I noticed that the solution text is also not totally accurate... You want to state that the rest of the diagonal entries should be set to 1.