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how to reopen an assignment/ reassign homework/Quiz

how to reopen an assignment/ reassign homework/Quiz

by Fereidoun Jahani -
Number of replies: 5


I have a few students who did not do an assignment(s). I thought I give them a second chance, but the solutions are now available. I was wondering if there is a way to reassign them using new question or the same questions different numbers. Is that possible? how?


In reply to Fereidoun Jahani

Re: how to reopen an assignment/ reassign homework/Quiz

by Glenn Rice -

If this is only for a few students, then you can accomplish new versions of the problems by changing the seeds for the problems in the assignment.  You will have to do this for each problem and for each student.  So if there are quite a few students this would be a lot of work.  You can do this from the "Homework Sets Editor".  Click on the numbers in the column "Edit Assigned Users", and then click on "Edit data for ...".  There are other ways to access this as well.

Another way to accomplish this that will be easier if there are more students is to go to "Instructor Tools", select all of the students you want to do this for (using Ctrl-Click to select multiple users), and select one set.  Then click on '"Edit" one set for users' below.  Then change the source file for these students to another problem.  This completely changes the problems, so that part may take more work, as you have to find alternate problems to use.

In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: how to reopen an assignment/ reassign homework/Quiz

by Alex Jordan -

Another way to randomize all seeds for a student is to unassign the problem set from them, and then reassign it to them. If there is any data you want to keep (like maybe they already answered #1 correctly) this method is not for you, because all that data is lost. But if that is not a concern, this is the fastest way to re-randomize everything in a set.

A nice feature would be a tool to randomize all seeds for a problem set, for a selected subset of users. All at once, without doing it one problem at a time.

In reply to Alex Jordan

Re: how to reopen an assignment/ reassign homework/Quiz

by Nathan Wallach -

Alex - Nice idea - added as an issue on GitHub - so maybe someday one of us will try to implement it.


In reply to Alex Jordan

Re: how to reopen an assignment/ reassign homework/Quiz

by Fereidoun Jahani -

Thank you, Alex. 

I think the process does seem easy. I unchecked and unassigned the exercises and checked to reassign. Hope  that it works.