I have been working with WeBWorK Gateway Quizzes (as have many due to remote teaching), and think they could use some improvement to make it clear when students start a quiz by clicking on the assignment name. I think that just clicking on the quiz name and having a new version created is a bit unintuitive (I have had students for a timed quiz on their own time click and start the timed version before they were ready). I have also had to use question 1 to be a set of quiz information/rules for students since I can't display a quiz header. I think it would be beneficial to have GatewayQuizzes (both normal and proctored) have a launch/info page that provides info about the quiz, including the setHeader that could be used to provide information/instructions about the quiz. My basic thought is when a quiz is clicked on a page comes up that contains the following information:
- Quiz name.
- setHeader under the quiz name in the main body of the page (this could be used for quiz instructions/information/etc).
- Course Information to the right (currently the LoginProctor shows site_info and think course info is more appropriate).
- A list of the quiz conditions, such as time limit (if timed), due date, open date (if it isn't opened), how often new versions can be taken and so on.
- A list of current versions (if any) that have been taken, so students could just go back to a current version instead of starting a new version (if it is opened), or see grades/scores (This would be basically like the list of versions from the homework sets page).
- A start new version button (if they are able to start a new version -- also maybe a comment that this starts a new version, to continue a previous version click the appropriate version above).
- Login/Proctor information for a proctored quiz, similar to LoginProctor for proctored quizzes.