RHEL provides a standard version of perl.
perlbrew aids with the configuration, creation, and management of multiple perl versions. I advise using perl-5.20
In order to take advantage of perlbrew's management features, you must enable it in the shell.
Once enabled in the shell, the `perl` command will be routed behind-the-scenes to whichever version of perl you have selected with `perlbrew use`
This means that running `check_modules.pl` should use that same `perl`
What do you see in this section of check_modules output?
@INC= /usr/local/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.20.3-thread-multi/lib/site_perl/5.20.3/x86_64-linux-thread-multi
Here you can see the use of perlbrew behind the scenes. It directs @INC to look for modules in the subfolders of the perl version managed by perlbrew.