#title "Welcome to WeBWorK"
![[WeBWorK logo]](http://webhost.math.rochester.edu/images/webwork.gif) Welcome to WeBWorK at the University of Rochester
Spring 2000 Courses
| Quick Overview
| Documentation
| Demo Courses
| Helper Applications
| Sending Feedback
Spring 2000 courses using WeBWorK
Students in these courses must log in with their own user name in order
for their answers to be recorded and graded. Visitors can log in to these courses
as "practice" users. Visitors and others interested
in learning about WeBWorK should look at Demonstration courses. Current Spring 2000 Courses
- AST 102: Balck Holes (Watson)
- MTH 141A: Calculus with Foundations I (Coppenbarger)
- MTH 141: Calculus I (McDowall)
- MTH 142: Calculus II (Gonek, McDowall, Pizer)
- MTH 143: Calculus III (Jochnowitz)
- MTH 161: Calculus IA (Gitler)
- MTH 161Q: Quest Calculus IA (Lansky)
- MTH 162: Calculus IIA (Benedetto, Coppenbarger, Matei, Pitts)
- MTH 162Q: Quest Calculus IIA (Lansky)
- PHY 141: Mechanics [Honors] (Gao) -->
- PHY 121: Mechanics (Teitel)
- AMS 161: Applied Calculus II (Tucker) at Stony brook
<!-- Recitation schedule - Spring 2000
Quick Overview
For a quick introduction to WeBWorK, click on Quick Overview
Support and Reviews
![[New York Teacher logo]](http://webhost.math.rochester.edu/webworkdocs/discuss/nytlogo.gif)
Professor Alan Tucker's February 23, 2000 article Computer customizes correcting of homework in
New York Teacher
WeBWorK has been awarded the 1999 International Conference on Technology in Collegiate
Mathematics Award for Excellence and Innovation with the Use of
Technology in Collegiate Mathematics ICTCM 12 1999 San Francisco
Partial support for WeBWorK is being provided by the
National Science Foundation's Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program in the
Division of Undergraduate Education
under grant DUE-9950567.
3/98: WeBWorK was case study of the week in Syllabus magazine
Demonstration courses
Visitors can try out problems from actual WeBWorK
courses from Fall 1999.
Visitors can also try out problems from the current courses above. However, early
in the spring semester, current courses will have only a few assignments posted where
as the Fall 1999 courses have a whole semester of assignments available.
The SampleCourse is a good starting point,
since it illustrates WeBWorK's capabilities for posing math problems and evaluating the answers,
but it's not used to teach any calculus courses.
Intro for students
See Introduction to WeBWorK for students for a quick overview. Much more extensive
documentation can be found at Documentation
Practice users
Visitors can log in to these courses as "practice"
users. Use <kbd>practice1</kbd> as your login name and
password. Most courses also allow additional practice users:
<kbd>practice2</kbd>, <kbd>practice3</kbd>, etc.
For example, using <kbd>practice1</kbd> through
<kbd>practice4</kbd> will show you 4 different versions of the
WeBWorK problems.
Helper applications: get a printable version of your homework
WeBWorK lets you download complete homework sets in printable
(PostScript) format. Both Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet
Explorer need "helper" applications in order to
print or display them, however.
You can get the necessary helper applications online, for free:
PC helper apps:
Mac helper apps: - MacGhostscript for both Mac powerPC's and Mac 68K machines
is a complete package which will display and print postscript files.
- DropPS is a a lean, quick program for
printing to PostScript-aware printers.It is freely available from
- For further information see
ResNet's Mac Software Page which has links to Mac Ghostscript,
and DropPS or the Mathematics Mac software page
Sending feedback
You can use this feedback button on any WeBWorK page
to send comments, corrections or questions to your
WeBWorK instructor.
Last updated: 8 January 2000
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