Forum archive 2000-2006

Michael Gage - TeX headers

Michael Gage - TeX headers

by Arnold Pizer -
Number of replies: 0
inactiveTopicTeX headers topic started 4/27/2000; 4:15:25 PM
last post 4/27/2000; 4:15:25 PM
userMichael Gage - TeX headers  blueArrow
4/27/2000; 4:15:25 PM (reads: 3741, responses: 0)

Building tex output from the problem templates

There are different situations in which the problem templates are run through the TeX typesetting program to produce typeset mathematics: when downloading a postscript or PDF version of the problem set; and when viewing a "GIF" version of an individual problem where the typeset output has been converted to a picture format using the perl program Latex2HTML.

In each case it is necessary to specify some global parameters which tell the TeX program how to process the individual problems. These header and footer files are combined with the output from processing the problem templates to produce the complete typeset printout of the set, or the "GIF" enhanced version of the individual problem. The files are found in the $templatesDirectory and are processed in the order given. They can be customized to change the appearance and the boler plate contents of the typeset problem sets.

ww_bluesq: To obtain the complete typeset output of the problem set using the following files are used:


1 $TEX_SET_PREAMBLE = "texSetPreamble.tex"
E.g. loads AMS latex and graphics packages, some macro definitions.
Usually not used.
3 $SET_HEADER = """
Provides the preliminary verbiage for the entire problem set.
E.g. Course name, student name. problem set number, due date. The files listed in the set.def file are included next:
4 The type set contents of the problem template files listed in the set.def file.
5 $TEX_SET_FOOTER = "texSetFooter.tex"
Contains final instructions to TeX such as end


ww_bluesq: To obtain typeset output on a single problem using Latex2HTML the following files are used:




1 $TEX_PROB_PREAMBLE = "texProbPreamble.tex"
Used by typeseting an individual problem. Usually very similar to $TEX_SET_PREAMBLE
Usually not used.
Used by to enter preliminary verbiage on the prob set page. E.g. Instructions.
4 The typeset contents of the problem template file.
5 $TEX_PROB_FOOTER = "texProbFooter.tex"
Contains final instructions to TeX such as end




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