The HTML links example
To obtain this problem:
(1 pt) rochesterLibrary/setMAAtutorial/htmllinksexample/
HTML links example
This example shows how to link to resources outside the problem itself.
Linking to other web pages over the internet is easy. For example,
you can get more information about the buffon needle problem and how it is used by ants to find new nest sites by linking to
Ivars Peterson's column on the MAA site.
All of the files in the html directory of your WeBWorK course site can be read
by anyone with a web browser and the URL (the address of the file). This is a good
place to put files that are referenced by more than one problem in your WeBWorK course.
Here is the link to
to the calculator page
stored in the top level of the
html directory of the tutorialCourse.
Finally there are files, such as picture files, which are
stored with the problem itself in the same directory.
And the table below has three more graphs which are stored
in the directory containing the current problem.
Enter this code
DOCUMENT(); loadMacros("", "", "" ); $showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0;
TEXT(beginproblem(), $BR,$BBOLD, "HTML links example", $EBOLD, $BR,$BR);
BEGIN_TEXT This example shows how to link to resources outside the problem itself. $PAR Linking to other web pages over the internet is easy. For example, you can get more information about the buffon needle problem and how it is used by ants to find new nest sites by linking to \{ htmlLink("", "Ivars Peterson's column on the MAA site") \}. $PAR END_TEXT
# You can write the HTML code yourself, but # that will look funny when the problem is printed in # hard copy, so it is probably better to use the # htmlLink('url','text') function which # will create something readable when the problem is printed.
BEGIN_TEXT All of the files in the html directory of your WeBWorK course site can be read by anyone with a web browser and the URL (the address of the file). This is a good place to put files that are referenced by more than one problem in your WeBWorK course. $PAR Here is the link to the \{ htmlLink(alias("${htmlDirectory}calc.html"), 'to the calculator page', qq!target="ww_calculator" ONCLICK=" this.href,, 'width=250,height=350,scrollbars=no,resizable=off' )" !) \} stored in the top level of the html directory of the tutorialCourse. $PAR END_TEXT
# To link to files on your own computer use the alias function whose # job it is to find the file in question. # You need to do this access indirectly, because WeBWorK is set up to # restrict access to most files -- (you don't want everyone reading # the source text of the WeBWorK problems, they could reconstruct the answer.) # # Note that you need double quotes around "${htmlDirectory}calc.html" so that # the string in $htmlDirectory will be # concatenated with calc.html to form a string describing # the DIRECTORY in which the file is to be found. Alias converts # the directory to a URL
BEGIN_TEXT Finally there are files, such as picture files, which are stored with the problem itself in the same directory. $BR \{ image("2-70190.gif", width=>200, height=>200) \}
# Image automatically uses alias # to search for files.
BEGIN_TEXT $PAR And the table below has three more graphs which are stored in the directory containing the current problem. $PAR END_TEXT
TEXT( begintable(3), row( image( [ ( '1-24438.gif', '2-49261.gif', '3-37616.gif') ], tex_size=>200, width=>200, height=>200 )), endtable() );
This problem is just a demo -- it doesn't actually work if you push the submit answer
button. (You can test a
version of this problem.)
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