WeBWorK Problems

Calling substitute with negative value gives incorrect value

Calling substitute with negative value gives incorrect value

by Tim Alderson -
Number of replies: 3

The following results in an incorrect evaluation at the lower limit of integration that happens to be negative.

Not quite sure what is going on. [work around is easy, but I am puzzled]

#    average value of  b x^2 (x - c)  on  [a,c]  with  a < 0 < b,c

loadMacros( "PGstandard.pl" , "MathObjects.pl" ,
    "freemanMacros.pl" );


$b  = random(2,5,1) ;
$c  = random(2,9,1) ;
$bc = $b * $c ;
$F = Formula( "$b x^3 - $bc x^2" ) ;

####    avoid centering interval at 0
do  { $a = random(-5,-1,1) ; }    until    ($a + $b != 0) ;

$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0 ;

Context() -> texStrings;
    Find the average value of \( f(x) = $F \) on the interval \( [ $a , $c ] \)
    :    \{ ans_rule() \}   

Context() -> normalStrings;

Context() -> flags -> set(reduceConstants => 0,reduceConstantFunctions => 0) ;

####    g(x) is antiderivative of f(x) = b x^3 - bc x^2
($pn,$pd) = reduce($b,4) ;    ####    pn/pd = b/4 is coefficient of x^4
$G4 = Compute( "$pn*  (x)^4 / $pd" ) -> reduce ;
$G4c = $G4 -> substitute( x => "$c" ) ;
$G4a = $G4 -> substitute( x => $a ) ;
$G4a2 = Compute( "$pn* ($a)^4 / $pd" ) -> reduce ;

($qn,$qd) = reduce($bc,3) ;    ####    qn/qd = bc/3 is coefficient of x^3
$G3 = Formula( "$qn *(x)^3 / $qd" ) -> reduce ;
$G3c = $G3 -> substitute( x => "$c" ) ;
$G3a = $G3 -> substitute( x => "$a" ) ;

$ans = Compute( "(($G4c - $G3c) - ($G4a - $G3a)) / ($c - $a)" ) ;
ANS( $ans -> cmp() );

$ca = Compute( "$c - $a" ) ;

Context() -> texStrings;
\hbox{avg value}
 & = \frac{1}{$c - ($a)} \int_{$a}^{$c}  f(x)  \, dx            \\
 & = \frac{1}{$ca} \int_{$a}^{$c}  \left( $F \right) \, dx        \\
 & = \frac{1}{$ca} \cdot \left( $G4 - $G3 \right) \Bigg|_{$a}^{$c}    \\
 & = \frac{1}{$ca} \cdot \left(
    \left[ $G4c - $G3c \right] - \left[ $G4a - $G3a \right] \right)    \\
 & \approx $ans

Context() -> normalStrings;


In reply to Tim Alderson

Re: Calling substitute with negative value gives incorrect value

by Danny Glin -

This appears to be a bug when using "substitute" when reduceConstants is set to 0.

I have filed a bug report at https://github.com/openwebwork/pg/issues/658.

In reply to Danny Glin

Re: Calling substitute with negative value gives incorrect value

by Tim Alderson -

Thank you Danny.

Sorry for not reducing to MWE. 
