
WebWork apache2.4-config crashed with Apache 2.4.52 in Ubuntu 22.04

WebWork apache2.4-config crashed with Apache 2.4.52 in Ubuntu 22.04

by Wai Yan Pong -
Number of replies: 2
I have a working local installation of WebWork 2.16 on Ubuntu 20.04 lts but Apache failed to start after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04.

The Apache version that comes with Ubuntu 22.04 is 2.4.52. Apache works but not with webwork.apache2.4-config being put in /etc/apache2/conf-enable.

Looking for help to fix that.

In reply to Wai Yan Pong

Re: WebWork apache2.4-config crashed with Apache 2.4.52 in Ubuntu 22.04

by Wai Yan Pong -

I got my local installation of WebWork running again.

Basically I had the same issue as

There are a couple perl module missing and I need to do

a2enmod perl and a2enmod apreq2

reinstall libmariabd-dev from Ubuntu and use cpan to install DBD::MariaDB

sudo cpanm DBD::MariaDB

Hope this will help others who finds themselves in a similar situation.

In reply to Wai Yan Pong

Re: WebWork apache2.4-config crashed with Apache 2.4.52 in Ubuntu 22.04

by Sarunas Burdulis -

As of June 14, 2022, package `libdbd-mariadb-perl` is not available in Ubuntu 22.04 (fails to build for most architectures).

Instead, `DBD::MariaDB` needs to be installed from CPAN.

In our case that was the only caveat after upgrading from 20.04 to 22.04 (WeBWorK 2.16).