topic started 9/4/2000; 8:19:13 PM last post 9/4/2000; 8:19:13 PM |
9/4/2000; 8:19:13 PM (reads: 1106, responses: 0) |
Instructions for using WeBWorK through Lynx.Lynx is a fully-featured World Wide Web (WWW) client for users running text based display devices (e.g., vt100 terminals, vt100 emulators running on PCs or Macs). If your computer will support it, you would almost certainly prefer using a web browser such as Netscape, Internet or Explorer.
For written instructions on using Lynx at the University of Rochester, get the handout "Lynx Users Guide Version *" from Talyor Hall (CLARC might also have it).
IN ORDER TO GET A PRINTED COPY OF YOUR WEBWORK ASSIGNMENT(to submit answers, see IN ORDER TO SUBMIT ANSWERS FOR YOUR WEBWORK ASSIGNMENT below)Log into your unix account (on uhura at the U of R) and then enter: lynx where course is your course, e.g. mth141in order to enter the WeBWorK site for your course. In general entering: lynx URL where URL is of the form http://..... will connect you to the URL you specify.
You will see the login page. Read the instructions and login. To do this you will have to hit the down arrow to see the rest of the page. The login button (or link) will be highlighted. Hit the right arrow key to select or follow this link. Then login. Use your uhura account name (e.g. js003f) as your username, hit down arrow and enter your password (e.g. 123-45-6789), then hit the down arrow again to highlight the Continue button, and finally hit right arrow to select it.
Select Begin Problem Set. Hit the down arrow twice to highlight Problem Set Number 1 under the sentence: "Here you can download the postscript version of a problem set:" Select it with right arrow and then hit down arrow to highlight the Get PostScript button. Finally select it.
You will see: This file cannot be displayed on this terminal: D)ownload, or C)ancel . Hit: D . Select (right arrow) Save to disk.
You will be asked to enter a filename: Note that the computer may propose a filename which is only 1 or 2 characters long or could be as many as 60 characters long. Use the backspace or delete key to erase this name and enter a reasonable name such as: Put the .ps at the end. Then hit the return or enter key. Enter q to quit (and y to confirm) Lynx.
Then enter: (or whatever you called the saved file) in order to print the file. THE FILE WILL BE PRINTED OUT IN TAYLOR HALL and you can go there and pick it up. IF YOU WANT THE FILE PRINTED OUT IN CLARC ,enter The file will be printed out on the unix printer at the main desk in CLARC (check with the CLARC desk, printer names may have changed).
Follow the above instructions until you select Begin Problem Set. At that point hit down arrow only once and select Problem Set Number 1 just under the Current date: line. Of course you can select other problem sets if they are listed. Hit down arrow to highlight Get Problem Set and select it (with right arrow).
You will see some problem highlighted. Hit right arrow to list all the problems. Use the up and down arrows to highlight a problem and right arrow to select it. Hit down arrow twice to highlight Get Problem and then select it.
You will see the problem (in a text version). NOTE: Sometimes Lynx has trouble displaying a problem correctly. For best results try "formatted-text" mode or possibly TEXT mode. "typeset" mode will not work under lynx. This is one reason to download a postscript version of the assignment. Enter your answer in the space provided (using down arrow to put the cursor on the blank lines) and then hit down arrow several times to highlight Submit Answer. Select it and WeBWorK will tell you if your answer is correct or not. You can do a problem as many times as you wish.
That is all there is to it and doing it is easier than reading these instructions. Using a web browser such as Netscape or MSIE makes things much easier still. |