topic started 2/5/2001; 9:47:29 AM last post 2/5/2001; 9:47:29 AM |
2/5/2001; 9:47:29 AM (reads: 2388, responses: 0) |
A long list of predefined PG environment variables useful for writing
problems is given at However there is an undocumented feature of WeBWorK which I found very useful: you can define your own PG environment variables in the course configuration file The way I use it is by inserting lines like $PG_environment{'termYear'} = 'Winter 2001'; into Then I use $termYear in files for all my problem sets. That way I don't have to hard code this information into the header files, saving me the trouble of reediting all those files at the beginning of each academic term. I just need to edit one line in I would suggest that this feature be explicitly documented and that the WeBWorK problem library header files incorporate this mechanism. Zig Fiedorowicz |