topic started 3/2/2001; 1:08:43 PM last post 3/2/2001; 2:21:01 PM |
3/2/2001; 2:21:01 PM (reads: 1174, responses: 0) |
Look at the section "SCORING A PROBLEM SET AND EMAILING RESULTS TO STUDENTS" in the Tutorial on managing a WeBWorK course under the item "Create & manage course" to the left. Here is a short synopsis. Go to the Prof page/Scoring procedures (item 6). Select the set(s) you want to score and click on "Score Problem Sets" (make sure "Append totals to mth162_totals.csv" is checked). Here I'm assuming the name of the course is mth162 --- I'll continue with that assumption. This will create the file mth162_totals.csv if it doesn't exist or append grades to it if it already exists. To take a quick look at what the file looks like, on item 2 ("Download (or view)"), select "html" as the format and click "Select Files" --- since there is only one mth162_totals.csv file, you will see it immediately. I think of the file mth162_totals.csv as my semester grade book. It will contain every student's total grade on the problem sets which have been scored. The format for the file is csv (coma separated variables) which is a standard Excel format. You can use Excel (or some other spreadsheet program) to manipuale this file. For example one thing I do is (a) transfer this file to my local PC, (b) use Excel to enter exam grades, and (c) then transfer the file back to the webwork server. That way I can easily email my students their individual exam grades, WeBWorK homework grades, etc. Note that the send mail page does a "mail merge" with the mth162_totals.csv by default. So at the end of the semester mth162_totals.csv contains all the exam and WeBWorK homework grades. I then download it to my local PC, use to to compute final letter grades, upload it to the server and email my students their semester grade (and what ever other info I want to give them). How do you upload and download the mth162_totals.csv file? Basically there are two ways. You can use the upload and download features on the scoring page. Or you can (as I usually do) use ftp. This file is contained in the directory .../courses/mth162/scoring/ Make sure you do as ascii transfer so that you do not have problems with end-of-the-line characters. You can also do some simple editing of this file directly from the web. This is convenient if you have a small class or a fast browser but for complicated manipuations, it is a lot better to use a spreadsheet program. |