where $m = 8 and $b = $a*($m+1) = 36. I figured the problem was that the difference between -u^9/36 and -u^9/32 was below the default floating point tolerance, so I changed it to:
No luck: WeBWorK still thinks -u^9/32 is OK.
Hi Zig,
I have tried these variations using a correct answer of u^9/36 and an entered answer of u^9/32:
ANS( fun_cmp("-(u**(9))/36+c",var=>'u',params=>'c',domain=>[.9999,1.0001],reltol=>.001) ); rejects u^9/32 ANS( function_cmp_up_to_constant("-(u**(9))/36","u",.9999999,1.000001, 0.001) );accepts u^9/32 ANS( function_cmp_up_to_constant("-(u**(9))/36","u",.9999999,1.000001, 0.001) ); accepts u^9/32 ANS( fun_cmp("-(u**(9))/36+c",var=>'u',params=>'c',domain=>[.9999,1.0001],reltol=>.001) ); rejects u^9/32
better results: ANS( fun_cmp("-(u**(9))/36+c",var=>'u',params=>'c',domain=>[0,5.0001],reltol=>.001) ); rejects u^9/32 ANS( function_cmp_up_to_constant("-(u**(9))/36","u", 0, 5, 0.001) ); rejects u^9/32
and get these answers: Answer 6 entered:--> u^9/32 <-- Incorrect. Correct answer: -(u**(9))/36+c Answer 7 entered:--> u^9/32 <-- Correct. Correct answer: ( -(u**(9))/36 ) + Q Answer 8 entered:--> u^9/32 <-- Correct. Correct answer: ( -(u**(9))/36 ) + Q Answer 9 entered:--> u^9/32 <-- Incorrect. Correct answer: -(u**(9))/36+c Answer 10 entered:--> u^9/32 <-- Incorrect. Correct answer: -(u**(9))/36+c Answer 11 entered:--> u^9/32 <-- Incorrect. Correct answer: ( -(u**(9))/36 ) + Q
I haven't yet been able to reproduce any difference in using u or t as the variable.
I haven't figured out what the difference in the preparation of the function is between the two
versions fun_cmp and function_cmp_up_to_constant. Both are using the same "back end" and are just
handling the initializations differently. I thought that perhaps function_cmp_up... wasn't
initializing the relative tolerance mode, but that doesn't seem to be the problem from looking at the code.
For new problems at least you may find it more convenient to use fun_cmp which is documented at
http://webwork.math.rochester.edu/docs/manpages/fun_cmp.html since it gives more explicit control.
The debug option is also handy to see what is going on numerically, although it's output is a bit
confusing at first.
In any case, I'm pretty sure that this is a tolerance issue. Among other things, relative tolerance is a little
problematic on a function whose answer is only determined up to a constant.
The most serious problem, however, is that restricting the range of choices to be very close to 1 is self-defeating
since the evaluator first samples the student's function and calculates a constant for the professor's function which
makes it a close fit for the student's function. Then more points are sampled to see how close this fit is. If all
the points are close together the fit is likely to be quite good.
A better strategy is to widen the domain on which the points are sampled say to [0,5] that seems to solve
the problem with both.
Take care,
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