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Internal apreq error

Internal apreq error

by Marie-Claude Bonneau -
Number of replies: 2


Our WeBWorK installation used to work but now, when I access a pg file via the File Manager link, I get an Internal apreq error message with the following details

I have no idea when the "Internal apreq error" first appeared. I was able to upload my class list for this semester without any problems, and have been able to access and modify pg files via the Library Browser link and Edit button.

Any idea as to what our IT should do to fix this?

Thank you.

In reply to Marie-Claude Bonneau

Re: Internal apreq error

by Arnold Pizer -
In reply to Arnold Pizer

Re: Internal apreq error

by Marie-Claude Bonneau -

It is indeed the same problem but our IT has not been able to resolve the issue. I'll keep the info and hopefully when they hire a new tech, he/she will be able to resolve the issue.

Thank you for your help!