I am trying to implement a problem where a variable is selected from a 2D-array of strings
An error is raised when defining the variable that points to the (i,j)-entry. Does WW support 2D arrays as PERL does?
or am I missing something here? I haven't been able to find too much documentation on multidimensional arrays besides the use of matrices.
(Sample code below)
loadMacros( "PGstandard.pl", "PGchoicemacros.pl", "PGunion.pl", "choiceUtils.pl", "PGcourse.pl", "PGML.pl", );
@items = ( ['book', 'pen', 'pencil'], ['Bat', 'Ball', 'Stumps'], ['snake', 'rat', 'rabbit'] );
$word = @items[1][1];
# Main problem Context()->texStrings; BEGIN_PGML Type in the word [$word] into the answer box [_]{$word} END_PGML
Error messages
ERRORS from evaluating PG file:
syntax error at (eval 3065) line 66, near "]["