Hello everyone.
Due to a Perl vulnerability for 5.20.2, this is a good opportunity for us to look at upgrading our WW 2.16 to the latest WW 2.18 and also Perl to version 5.38.2. We are running MySQL 5.7.
Our current version of WW is 2.16 running on RHEL 8.2 with Perl 5.20.2 and MySQL 5.7 database.
I tried to do an in-place upgrade and to my surprise, i did get it going to point but it took several weeks and encountered a lot of problems along he way and the LTI 1.3 just does not work with Moodle... but it was a good try and learning opportunity!
Anyway, I think a better approach is to build a new server with the following key requirements:
1. Redhat 8.2 (we are RedHat place)
2. Perl 5.38.2 installed via perlbrew
3. MySQL 8.0
4. WeBWork 2.18 (as per install doc for 2.18 but for Ubuntu)
I want to ask the community of expert people like you on what is best and least amount of problems that I should consider when I do this approach to upgrading WW 2.16 to WW 2.18.
This is my idea/approach.
1. Build that new server and install the perl, packages and WW 2.18 as per the docs
2. Install the MySQL 8.0
3. Backup the existing 5.7 MySQL and upgrade it to MySQL 8 on the new server
4. Modify the site.conf file to connect to the upgraded database
1. Would my simplistic plan work out?
2. Should I keep MySQL at 5.7 or upgrade it to MySQL 8.x? Pros and Cons?
3. If I upgrade the DB, would there be schema changes in both the database and in WW 2.18 that may cause errors that it won't work?
4. Any other tips you can provide is helpful
Thank you