Hello All,
I Did a migration from our old centos webwork server(2.12) to a new Ubuntu(2.18) I used the Webwork 2.18 virtual image, imported into our vcenter environment.
From there I Imported our courses, database, SSL certificates and are using apache2 for my proxy.
After Conquering some major issues along the way, using documentation and articles from this forum I am stuck on an issue regarding MathJax rendering problems on google chrome and firefox on the "Hmwk Sets editor" tab
I have the following in my localoverride.conf file
"$webworkURLs{MathJax} = "$webworkURLs{htdocs}/mathjax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML-full";"
I also Have tried to migrate the Mathjax directory from the old server and placed it in both /opt/webwork as well as /opt/webwork/webwork2/htdocs. this was aftering running the command
-git clone https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax.git
I tried to run the following command as well 'install npm'
Ive tried to run the following commands 'npm ci' in /opt/webwork/webwork2/htdocs/ (also in /opt/webwork/pg/htdocs)
At this point I am stuck on what to do any suggestions? Please let me know if anyone requires and more details.
Thank you For anyones response and time.