
2.19 issues

Re: 2.19 issues

by Troy Welch -
Number of replies: 2
Thanks Danny, that got me going, well until the next thing. Turns out I didn't pull the $admin_course_id in vimdiff over to my current site.conf file.

Have now done that, ran the script which added the missing database bits and I can get into the admin course fine now.

The next step is to upgrade existing courses, we only have about 4 or 5 on this server as we're using it to test. However, they are not showing up in the admin course or, for that matter, any of the other course-related menus in the admin course.

Is there a similar course id variable that I may have missed that is causing this?
In reply to Troy Welch

Re: 2.19 issues

by Glenn Rice -

There aren't any other configuration settings that would affect this.

There are two basic things that are checked to determine if a course is listed in the admin course (or anywhere else like the webwork2 home page).  Does the course have a "user" table in the database, and does the course directory appear in /opt/webwork/courses.  So those are the things to check.

In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: 2.19 issues

by Troy Welch -

Thanks Glenn, I tried a server reboot this morning and the admin course ran a couple of db related processes. All is fine now.

I really appreciate the time you take to help colleagues out. I'll take open source and helpful folks such as yourself any day over big tech.

Have a great day.