
Testing Configuration

Testing Configuration

by Rob T -
Number of replies: 8


I am currently setting up WeBWorK for my university on their server. I am currently at the part where  I am testing the configuration, and it tells me I should see the WeBWorK home page, but I sadly only see the Apache2 Ubuntu default page. Does anyone have any advice of where I should look into or have run into this issue when setting it up? Let me know.

In reply to Rob T

Re: Testing Configuration

by Arnold Pizer -

Have you checked everything mentioned in

Did anything look strange?  Is the webwork2 app running? E.g. 

sudo systemctl status webwork2
In reply to Arnold Pizer

Re: Testing Configuration

by Rob T -
Hello! I am not seeing the WebWork home page. I am at the part where I I am testing the configuration, but the home page isn't popping up. Also I tried that command and it did not work, but I am installing 2.17 so maybe that is the difference in commands. Currently I just see the Apache2 Ubuntu dafult page and it doesn't show anything. When I ran the .log command it also didn't allow me to look at the file.
In reply to Rob T

Re: Testing Configuration

by Arnold Pizer -


I assumed you were installing 2.18.   Actually 2.19 will be released very shortly and I would recommend installing 2.18 if not 2.19.  2.18 is quite different under the hood than 2.17 but very similar from the user viewpoint.  That being said, you should look at

Especially look at the Apache error log.  You say your only see the Apache landing page.  Stupid question, but you are trying, correct?  

Also are you installing everything yourself or using the virtual machine image?  


In reply to Arnold Pizer

Re: Testing Configuration

by Glenn Rice -

I must second Arnold's statement.  Quite frankly you are wasting your time learning how to install WeBWorK 2.17 (or any version before that).  WeBWorK 2.17 relies on modperl2 which is practically obsolete.  So eventually, you will need to upgrade and then you will have to learn how to work with 2.18 and beyond, and as Arnold stated, from the administrative standpoint it is completely different since it uses the modern Perl library Mojolicious instead of modperl2.  In addition, there are many new features and improvements to WeBWorK 2.18 (and more in 2.19) that you (and your users) will be missing out on.  Eventually (actually already for some problems), you will also run into problems with PG 2.17, because the OPL is being updated to work with new things in PG that were not in previous versions of PG.

In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: Testing Configuration

by Rob T -
Got it. So at this point I should pivot to WebWork 2.18. Should I try and attempt to utilize this server still and start the process of 2.18 or do you guys think I should remake this server and start from scratch? I see there are forums here for upgrading webwork versions, but at this point I wonder which one would be easier for me. Just trying to build the most consistent version out there at this moment.
In reply to Arnold Pizer

Re: Testing Configuration

by Rob T -
Hi Arnold, and got it so I'll try to pivot to 2.18. and when I try the /webwork2 I get a page cannot be found error. And currently I am installing everything myself.
In reply to Rob T

Re: Testing Configuration

by Arnold Pizer -

I would definitely try 2.18 and would recommend starting from a fresh installation of the server.  If it's a vm, that is pretty easy.  If you just followed the standard installation instructions for 2.17 and downloaded WeBWorK from git hub, then you would have actually downloaded 2.18 and then followed the 2.17 instructions which would explain why things didn't work.


In reply to Arnold Pizer

Re: Testing Configuration

by Rob T -
That's most likely what occurred, because I was following the 2.17 step by steps, and I put in the command that would download the software right from the website utilizing the cmd, so it may have went with the 2.18. I'll see what I can do! I'm remaking the server at this current moment so I can have a fresh slate, and then I will follow the 2.18 step by step.