When I access WeBWorK though Canvas, I see the following error: "The LTI Advantage login route was accessed with invalid or missing parameters."
How can I see the full debug output?
In authen_LTI.conf, I have $debug_lti_parameters = 1; (and also $debug_lti_grade_passback = 1;). I am looking in webwork2/logs/webwork2.log, and the only long line that appears at the precise time of failure is:
"[/webwork2/ltiadvantage/login] The LTI Advantage login route was accessed with invalid or missing parameters."
The actual parameters are not displayed.
The same error was mentioned in https://webwork.maa.org/moodle/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=8513 Glenn Rice kindly responded there, saying that either $LTI{v1p3}{PlatformID} or $LTI{v1p3}{ClientID} must be incorrect. Unfortunately, I have no direct way to verify the ClientID as I do not have Canvas administrator access at our site, and need to rely on information I receive indirectly.
Is there a way I can check what Canvas is _actually_ sending?